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Compensation & Benefits

Telecommuters eligible for FMLA? Geography may be irrelevant.

An account executive who telecommuted from her California home office sued her Kansas-based employer, claiming she was fired after taking FMLA leave to recover from surgery. The company said she was …

Return pregnant employee to equivalent job


Q. When an employee returns from maternity leave, do we have to give her the very same job she had or can she be put to work in a different type of position? —J.B., North Carolina

Serious illness, not just its symptoms, triggers FMLA

Issue: Can employees earn FMLA leave if they just show symptoms of an ailment that eventually becomes a qualifying “serious condition?” Benefit: The answer is “No.” You don’t have to …

Job openings: No duty to notify employees on leave


Q. One of our employees is on leave after giving birth. She may qualify for a position that recently opened up. Do we have an obligation to notify her of that opening? —R.D., Ohio

Labor unveils final overtime rules: What now?

Issue: The Labor Department has finalized rules that redefine which employees are eligible for overtime pay. Benefit/risks: Clearer rules should cut your misclassification risks, but you face a steep learning …

To avoid ‘glass-ceiling’ lawsuits, study fairness of pay, promotions

Glass-ceiling lawsuits, in which women or minorities claim they’re prevented advancement beyond a certain point, are tough to prove, but not impossible. If an employee can show a pattern of discrimination, …

Don’t dock employees for time worked


Q. We give employees the choice of using two 10-minute breaks each day or combining them into one 20-minute lunch break. The employees are required to punch out and in for these breaks. Now, we have a policy that docks employees 15 minutes if they’re four or more minutes late returning from a break. Is this legal? —J.B., Texas

Lessons from the court: job evaluations, break-time pay

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Parenthood: Walk the fine line between accommodation & bias

Even if your state or local laws protect employees based
on their “marital status” or “family responsibilities,” that
doesn’t mean parent/employees can create their own schedule. You can still …

Employee can’t cite ‘stock-loss stress’ for workers’ comp claim.

After a California utility worker saw his $200,000 in company stock plummet in value, he left work and filed a workers’ compensation claim, citing stress. While the state workers’ comp board …