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Compensation & Benefits

Give employees a ‘grace period’ to spend FSA dollars

The IRS announced last month that you can give employees an extra 21/2 months to spend money they’ve set aside in their flexible spending accounts (FSAs) for health care and dependent …

Don’t overlook insurance-company freebies

Many insurers offer free services that can cut your costs or make your business safer. Examples: Some offer free safety inspections and risk-management analysis. Others provide free classes or training materials …

Cut costs by challenging requests for intermittent FMLA leave


Employees are becoming well versed in the FMLA game, and you’re paying the price.
Proof: Unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave now accounts for a sizable portion of all FMLA leave, says …

Expect employees to use up their vacation time this year

Unused vacation time is common. In 2004, the average U.S. employee forfeited three vacation days, up from two days in 2003, says an Expedia.com survey.
But the tide may be …

Deduct Vacation Leave if Sick-Leave Bank Is Empty


Q. If an employee is out sick but has already used up all her sick-leave hours, can we legally subtract from her vacation time instead? —K.P., Michigan

Post vacation schedules only for employee viewing

Issue: To assist in planning, organizations often post employee vacation schedules, especially during summer.
Risk: Some employees may protest, saying it’s an invasion of privacy that makes their house more …

Collect proof of FMLA medical leave the right way


If you think employees are fudging their FMLA medical leave, how often can you request medical certification? The U.S. Labor Department recently gave employers added latitude to dig into suspicious FMLA claims …

Summer’s here: Time is right for safety lapses and fraud

As temperatures rise, so do two additional risks: 1. Safety. Summer months are traditionally the worst months for on-the-job accidents. That’s because the heat can impair employees’ judgment and more employees …

Promote staff volunteerism, but not for firm’s benefit


Q. Our CEO just implemented a new employee evaluation goal based on their volunteer work throughout the year. The more they volunteer, the higher the points they receive on their review, ultimately increasing their salary. Can we do this without risk? —T.M., Maine

Break time: Solve confusion over whether you must pay

THE LAW. Contrary to popular belief, the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) doesn’t require employers to provide meal breaks or rest breaks for employees over age 18. However, several states …