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Compensation & Benefits

How to set a work/home boundary that works

Issue: How deeply do you want to get involved with employees’ personal lives?
Risk: Becoming a sounding board for every personal problem will eat up your workday (and drain you …

Terminating smokers: When there’s smoke, can you fire?

Ever since media reports focused earlier this year on a Michigan company’s strict policy banning smokers on staff, many employers have asked the question: “Can we, should we, do the same?” …

Continuing insurance isn’t required by workers’ comp


Q. We have several employees out on workers’ comp claims. Our policy is to pay for the employee but not dependents. How can we terminate the group insurance for employees who are out on workers’ comp for more than three months? —M.O., Washington

Don’t automatically fire after FMLA, STD leave expire


Q. Our policy is to run FMLA and short-term disability (STD) concurrently. FMLA is for 12 weeks of job-protected leave. STD is for 26 weeks, with proper medical documentation. At what point can we terminate an employee, at the end of 12 weeks, when FMLA leave is exhausted? And, if so, do we end short-term disability payments, since the employee has been terminated? —E.A., Georgia

Draw staff to health screenings with the right sales pitch

Issue: Employees who participate in health screenings submit fewer medical claims, lowering your costs.
Risk: They won’t show up if they don’t see the value.
Action: Dangle the best …

Normal commute isn’t covered by workers’ comp


Q. One of our employees was hurt while driving in a company car on her morning commute to work. Would this be considered a workers’ compensation claim? —K.S., Michigan

Make sure the employee is qualified before approving an FMLA request

Take extra time to review an employee’s eligibility and certification for FMLA leave at the time of the request, not later.
As a new court ruling shows, employers who approve …

Employees can’t cry ‘retaliation’ if they’re not eligible for leave

Issue: Employees can sue for FMLA retaliation only if they’ve put in the minimum hours to become eligible for FMLA leave.
Benefit: Less risk of first-year employees winning FMLA-retaliation suits. …

Leave FMLA out of your handbook if it doesn’t apply


Q. Our company employs fewer than 50 people, so we don’t have to comply with FMLA. Do we need to mention that fact in our employee handbook? —G.R., Michigan

It’s OK to slightly alter FMLA leave-taker’s job

Issue: As a new ruling shows, you can make minor changes to an employee’s job while he or she is on FMLA leave.
Benefit: Increased staffing flexibility, decreased liability under …