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Compensation & Benefits

Post vacation schedules only for employee viewing

Issue: To assist in planning, organizations often post employee vacation schedules, especially during summer.
Risk: Some employees may protest, saying it’s an invasion of privacy that makes their house more …

Collect proof of FMLA medical leave the right way


If you think employees are fudging their FMLA medical leave, how often can you request medical certification? The U.S. Labor Department recently gave employers added latitude to dig into suspicious FMLA claims …

Summer’s here: Time is right for safety lapses and fraud

As temperatures rise, so do two additional risks: 1. Safety. Summer months are traditionally the worst months for on-the-job accidents. That’s because the heat can impair employees’ judgment and more employees …

Promote staff volunteerism, but not for firm’s benefit


Q. Our CEO just implemented a new employee evaluation goal based on their volunteer work throughout the year. The more they volunteer, the higher the points they receive on their review, ultimately increasing their salary. Can we do this without risk? —T.M., Maine

Break time: Solve confusion over whether you must pay

THE LAW. Contrary to popular belief, the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) doesn’t require employers to provide meal breaks or rest breaks for employees over age 18. However, several states …

Pay for uniform-Change time if job requires it


Q. Do we have to pay employees for the time they spend changing into their uniforms before work (and out of their uniforms afterward)? We’re a hospital and our operating-room personnel must change clothes. —E.T., Maryland

5 ways to keep mandatory overtime from boiling over


Like most organizations, your organization probably needs to squeeze more productivity out of fewer employees these days. That may mean requiring some hourly employees to work overtime, even if they don’t want to. But, if handled incorrectly, mandatory overtime can smother morale, create management-employee tensions and spark legal disputes … 

Female employees can sue for ‘potty parity’

Don’t make different bathroom-break rules for the different sexes. Case in point: A manufacturer’s new factory had only one restroom, which was designed for men. Female employees could use that restroom …

Smaller raise can count as ‘adverse action’ that triggers lawsuit

Make sure your employee evaluation process includes clear-cut instructions and guidance for managers on how to link performance with compensation.

Explain true health costs to employees; they’re clueless

If you feel that employees don’t appreciate your company’s benefit plan, a new study shows why: They grossly underestimate your investment, particularly your contribution to health insurance costs.
More than …