Issue: How to handle employees who claim disability benefits but also want ADA-related job accommodations. Risk: Sometimes, you must offer those accommodations, sometimes you don’t. One mistake can trigger an …
Issue: Severance agreements that deny severance payments to employees fired “for cause.” Risk: Failing to clarify “for cause” could result in having to pay severance to people fired for blatant …
This finally may be the year Congress authorizes association health plans, which would allow small businesses to participate in health insurance plans through trade associations that span state lines. The House …
Q. How far can we go to make sure that employees aren’t taking advantage of our company while they’re out on workers’ comp leave? Can we, for example, call them at home to make sure they are resting and not out working another job or abusing the system? —D.V., Illinois
While the FMLA allows employees time off to care for a sick spouse, child or parent, such “care” doesn’t have to be physical. FMLA regulations say employees can take FMLA leave …
The EEOC published a Q&A document last month explaining when cancer is a “disability” under the ADA and how you should accommodate employees with cancer. More than 1 million Americans …
The EEOC just published a Q&A document explaining when cancer is a qualified disability under the ADA and how you should accommodate employees with cancer. Reasonable accommodations may include intermittent leave, …
Q. We’ve started requiring employees to repay the company (through payroll deduction) for training costs if they quit or are fired within one year. Are we OK legally? —S.M., Kentucky
Q. We have some employees who are earning the maximum salary for their job classifications. Can we cut their pay if we feel they’re overpaid? —D.N., Colorado
A study by the Society for Human Resource Management says only 56 percent of employers now offer flex schedules, down from 65 percent in 2002. Why the change? Experts say …