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Compensation & Benefits

USERRA allows only one reinstatement, not two

The federal Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) says that if an employee’s military-related absences last less than five years, you must reinstate the employee to his or her …

Calling in ‘sick’ won’t trigger FMLA; employee must give details

What do you do with employees who call in sick with vague excuses, aches and pains and other less-than-convincing reasons? Can you discipline those people for unexcused absences without fearing that …

Intermittent FMLA leave may cause inconvenience


Q. We have an employee on intermittent FMLA leave who periodically faints at work, is carried away in an ambulance, is off for a few days and then returns. Her position is critical. Do we have to continue with these absences? —R.R., Massachusetts

Always verify FMLA eligibility before approving leave

Issue: Courts won’t look kindly on employers that OK an employee’s FMLA leave but then change their minds.
Risk: In such cases, courts could grant FMLA rights even if the …

Retain benefit eligibility after FMLA leave


Q. We understand that employees on FMLA leave don’t lose investment toward retirement plans. Leave time is counted as work time. But our policy says that if employees are out for more than 30 days, their anniversary dates will change. Accrued paid-time off and vacation time will be based on the new anniversary date. Can we do this? —K.A., Connecticut

Break into vacation-Leave bank if sick leave is empty


Q. If an employee is out sick but has already used up her sick-leave hours, can we legally subtract from her vacation time instead? —K.P., Michigan

Leave-deduction option isn’t enough to destroy exempt status

One of the biggest pitfalls with the Fair Labor Standards Act is the salary trap. FLSA entitles exempt employees to their entire regular salary in any week they are ready, willing …

Beware misclassifying assistants and computer pros

The Labor Department’s revised overtime regulations that define which white-collar employees are “exempt” employees (not eligible for overtime pay) and “nonexempt’ employees (eligible for overtime) turn one year old in August. …

Don’t punish employees for wrong drug-Test hunch


Q. We suspected an employee was using drugs, so we sent him to be tested. We told him he couldn’t work until the test came back in two days. The results were negative. What financial responsibility do we have? Do we owe him lost wages for those two days? —L.B., North Carolina

Pay employees for their ‘pre-work’ work

When employees arrive and prepare their workstations for the day ahead, does that count as compensable time? Yes, as one employer found out the hard way last month. Humana must pay …