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Compensation & Benefits

Trim health insurance costs by identifying duplicate coverage


If you’re not doing so already, take steps to discourage employees and dependents from holding duplicate health coverage …

Boost health screening turnout with mix of carrots, sticks


More employers are turning to incentives and penalties to increase participation in on-site health-risk assessments. Attracting employees to this first step can improve their health, which cuts your costs. Use the advice below to choose the best approach for your organization …

Cut costs on duplicate health coverage


If you’re not doing so already, take steps to discourage employees and dependents from holding duplicate health coverage. Example: Ford Motor Co. now requires employees to pay extra toward their health premiums if their covered spouses have duplicate health coverage …

Workplace abuse trickles down from the top


Supervisors engage in more abuse of their staffers when they believe the overall organization makes unfair decisions, according to a new study in Personnel Psychology

How Long to Tolerate a ‘Disappearing’ Employee?


Q. We’re a small business with eight employees. One employee frequently takes off for six to eight weeks with medical problems. She’s done this each year for the past three years. It’s a huge burden because very few people have her training, so we can’t hire a temp. How long do we have to allow her to disappear for months at a time? —M.S., Ohio

FMLA users can shop around for favorable medical opinion


When an employee shows you a medical certification that says she has a serious condition qualifying her for FMLA leave, you don’t have to blindly accept the doctor’s word. You can ask for a second opinion. But here’s what many employers don’t realize: Employees can do the same thing …

Jobs Need to be ‘Substantially Equal,’ Not Identical, to Demand Same Pay


Some employers wrongly believe that they’re not vulnerable to a federal Equal Pay Act claim when the two jobs in question aren’t identical. But female employees don’t need to meet such a high standard to bring their equal-pay claim to court …

EEO-1 compliance: Prepare to comply with the new EEO-1


In an effort to monitor employment of minorities and females in the work force, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requires certain employers to complete and file an Employer Information Report, commonly called an EEO-1 report, by Sept. 30 each year …

Do you need a music policy for the ‘iPod generation’?


The advent of MP3 players, satellite radio and Internet-based music makes it easy to rock and roll at work. Such distractions can reduce employee productivity and even create create legal risks. Establish a music/noise policy before it becomes a problem …

Heed the Legal Risks of Employee Weight-Loss Programs


Forcing your well-meaning health-improvement plan could backfire. Discrimination and privacy issues could derail your goal. Immunize your program against potential legal ills using these five tips …