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Compensation & Benefits

Look deeper into dubious intermittent FMLA leave


Q. If an employee calls off intermittently for migraine headaches, how can we verify the real reason for the leave? Can we ask for information each time the employee is absent? —J.M., Illinois

Placing Employee on ‘Involuntary’ FMLA Leave Is Perfectly Legal


When an employee calls in sick with an apparently serious ailment, you can place that employee on FMLA leave, even if he or she never asks. f you reasonably believe she has a serious health condition, you can start the 12-week FMLA-leave clock ticking

Use lots of independent contractors? Heed new legal risks


Same work, fewer expenses and less hassle. That’s the perceived advantage of using independent contractors. And the mantra has its appeal. But many employers have opted for freelancers only to find a new set of problems: lack of control, unreliable workers and, in some cases, litigation

Cut turnover by teaching managers how to respect staff


Employees who feel less respected by their superiors are more likely to jump ship. The lesson: Treating workers with respect and dignity is ultracritical to retaining good workers, especially in a hot job market …

Labor Dept. Tightens Noose on Donning-and-Doffing Cases


A key 2005 U.S. Supreme Court decision made clear that manufacturers must pay workers for time spent changing in and out of safety gear, plus the time they spend walking between changing rooms and workstations. Now, the Labor Department is moving to make sure employers are complying

‘Excellent’ job review can still be considered retaliation


Giving someone an "excellent" performance rating may seem like a nondiscriminatory act. But, as a new court case shows, high praise can still be deemed retaliation if the review is worse than a previous one and it hurts the employee’s ability to earn a bonus or promotion …

Discover the free perks a credit union can offer


Contrary to popular belief, credit unions aren’t just for unions, governments or Fortune 500 companies. Laws do place some limits on the people credit unions may serve, but thanks to an expansion of the definitions in recent years, the financial institutions’ reach is wider today …


Keeping employees green


Officials at Timberland Co. are helping to meet the outdoor-apparel maker’s commitment to environmental awareness—and helping employees reduce commuting costs—by offering their workers a $3,000 incentive to buy fuel-efficient hybrid cars …

Weed out costly workers’ comp classification errors


Insurers incorrectly calculate workers’ compensation premiums for 30 to 40 percent of employers. You can help slash premium costs, and become a hero to your CEO, by knowing what mistakes to look for …

Moving your health care costs to health care assets


Corporate America continues to register alarm over unrelenting health care cost growth. If not restrained, health care costs will significantly affect every firm’s profitability and competitiveness …