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Compensation & Benefits

New Ruling May Help Limit Class-Action Cases in PA


Attorneys looking to create extra trouble for employers have lost an important class-action ruling in Pennsylvania. Lawyers no longer will be able to file federal lawsuits and state lawsuits together in federal court …

Restaurant in Wayne accused of labor and wage violations


Three former employees at a Chinese restaurant in Wayne filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) alleging unfair labor practices …

North Carolina Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act


The Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act (REDA) is North Carolina’s super anti-discrimination law combining elements of several federal laws, including Title VII, the Fair Labor Standards Act, OSHA and USERRA. The Employment Discrimination Bureau in the state Department of Labor (www.nclabor.com/edb/edb.htm) enforces REDA

Sample Policy: Moonlighting

The following sample policies were excerpted from The Book of Company Policies, published by HR Specialist, © 2007. Edit for your organization’s purposes. _____________________________ Sample Policy 1: “An employee may hold a job with another organization as long as he or she satisfactorily performs his or her job responsibilities with XYZ. All employees will be […]

Design development plan around person’s life, not just the job


Managers traditionally use employee development plans to give employees a say in the direction of their careers and to assess the organization’s future talent pool. Instead of using the tool just to focus on what an employee’s career would look like over the next one to five years, what if you used it to focus on what the person’s life would look like during that period?

Boost productivity by helping staff with elder care problems

Issue: Nearly 10 percent of employees serve as caregivers for their elderly parents. That strain results in turnover and productivity problems. Risk: Lost productivity due to elder caregiving costs U.S. …

Can you face legal risk for completing salary surveys?

To set competitive salaries, you've probably filled out compensation surveys and maybe even managed such surveys yourself. But recent classaction lawsuits have led some HR professionals and business execs to rethink their participation in (or hosting of) such surveys.

Review your severance packages; EEOC tightening scrutiny


When employers offer severance packages, they often ask employees to waive their rights to sue the employer. That’s a smart strategy, but small discrepancies in the agreement’s wording can make the difference between a successful severance package and a call from the EEOC …

Contesting Unemployment for Drunk Ex-Employee


Q. We sent an employee home because he came to work clearly intoxicated. The police later picked him up wandering around, and he missed work because he was in jail sobering up. We fired him, and he filed for unemployment. Can we use the police report to challenge his unemployment claim?—R.H. Florida

Release only essential information about a RIF


When conducting a reduction in force (RIF), it’s vital to handle severance offers carefully. Make sure you don’t needlessly give discharged employees the idea that they can file an age-discrimination lawsuit …