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Compensation & Benefits

Same job, new management: Are employees covered by the FMLA?


Q. What is the policy on FMLA for workers who are employed by a county facility that puts their contracts out for bids? Let’s say the workers are employed by the first successful bidder for, say, three years and then the contract is re-bid. Another company wins the bid, takes over the job and keeps the same employees. Do their hours worked carry over even though it is a different employer? I could not find a reference to this problem in the FMLA guidelines.

Pay for training time


Q. If our organization offers voluntary training to our employees and the training takes place during their lunch hour, do we have to pay the employees for the time spent attending the training? 

Goodyear pays $227,792 in back wages to Texas workers


The U.S. Labor Department (DOL) recently announced that Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., following a 2006 judgment, has paid 211 employees $227,792 in back wages. The wage awards went to current and former technicians at its Houston and Bayport chemical plants …

Are your policies biased against employee caregivers?


If you’ve never heard of “family-responsibility discrimination,” or FRD, you soon will. This subset of sex discrimination is a form of gender bias brought by employees who claim they were treated unfairly because they fulfilled caregiving roles for children or elderly parents

Outreach center offers emergency relief for workers, cuts turnover


The Family Outreach Center that’s provided to employees of Rosen Hotels does more than find day care slots and elder care resources for employees …

KPMG’s ‘Network of Women’ cuts turnover of female staff


Nearly 80 percent of the female employees at New York-based KPMG think it’s a great place to work, up from 63 percent in 2004, a company survey shows. Sandra Bushby, director of women’s initiatives, says that’s because of the firm’s “Network of Women”

Choral group’s refrain: Workers who sing together stay together


For 10 years, employees at the St. Louis headquarters of the A.G. Edwards brokerage firm have put together an employee chorus to sing at the annual holiday luncheon and at a local nursing home. The chorus is a holiday stress reliever, a networking tool for employees

Big ruling: Supreme Court limits scope of pay-discrimination lawsuits


The U.S. Supreme Court handed employers a major victory this week by clarifying that workers who claim pay discrimination must file their complaints within 180 days of the alleged offense. But this ruling could, in the short run, lead to a spike in pay-bias claims.

Federal minimum wage jumps to $5.85 per hour on July 24

Congress voted to increase the federal minimum wage from the current $5.15 per hour to $7.25 per hour in a three-step process. The federal minimum will jump 70-cents per hour in July 2007, July 2008 and July 2009.

FMLA in a Nutshell: How to Comply With the Family and Medical Leave Act

White Paper published by The HR Specialist, copyright 2009 ______________________ The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which became law in 1993, provides qualified employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for the birth or adoption of a child, for caring for a spouse or an immediate family member with a […]