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Compensation & Benefits

FFCRA to expire Dec. 31: Will it be extended?

When Congress passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act in March, it set the law to expire on Dec. 31. The virus is still raging and Congress is now considering extending into 2021 the law.

Employees flock to virtual health care during pandemic

Employee use of virtual health care has surged during the pandemic, with most employees giving the level of care high marks, according to a new survey by the Willis Towers Watson consulting firm.

When to pay for travel time: 3 scenarios

A new Department of Labor opinion letter answers questions about when employers must pay for time employees spend traveling to and from worksites. Opinion letter FLSA2020-16 addresses three scenarios.

Most employers tackled pay equity issues this year

Sixty percent of employers say they are addressing pay equity in their organizations and 70% are taking action to make their workplaces more diverse, equitable and inclusive.

Online training time: DOL explains when to pay

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued a new opinion letter that helps clarify when employers must pay workers for the time they spend undergoing training that is delivered online.

DOL cites more for denying paid covid leave

The U.S. Department of Labor continues to investigate and cite employers for failing to follow the paid leave provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

Check: Does your EPLI cover covid lawsuits?

Your employment practices liability insurance policy may not cover you for many lawsuits related to the coronavirus and covid-19. Now is the time to check with your insurance agent to know what your EPLI policy covers and whether you need to make coverage changes.

14.6 million lost health insurance since spring

An estimated 7.7 million workers lost employer-provided health insurance when they became unemployed because of the coronavirus pandemic.

What managers need to know about age discrimination

At first glance, the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) appears pretty straightforward: It protects people age 40 and older from employment discrimination based on their age. But the law isn’t as simple as it appears; it affects managers in everything from questions asked in job interviews to assigning job duties. Here’s a description […]

Curb childless workers’ FFCRA resentment

Working parents can take as much as 12 weeks of partly paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. That’s causing resentment among employees who don’t have kids.