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Compensation & Benefits

Can you make payroll deductions for missing company property?


Texas employers frequently face problems associated with retrieving company property from disgruntled former employees. Let’s use a hypothetical scenario to answer questions on whether or when you can make payroll deductions for the missing property …

IBM begins big investment in financial-Planning perks


When Armonk, NY-based IBM announced it would change its pension programs in 2008, the company promised employees a financial-planning and education-benefit program to ease the transition …

Ohio public pension funds must cut terrorist ties


Ohio’s public pension funds must dump more than $500 million in investments with companies that do business with Iran and Sudan, lawmakers decided in June …

High court says Labor Dept. right to limit overtime for some


The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled unanimously in a closely watched overtime case that employees classified as home health care workers aren’t entitled to some Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) protections …

Employees must file discrimination cases within 180 days


n a 5-4 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court has handed employers a major victory. No longer will you have to worry that an employment decision you made years—even decades—earlier will come back to haunt you …

New minimum-Wage law: Beware the ‘Poster pretense’


With a new federal minimum wage kicking in July 24, it’s time to change your FLSA poster. Your inbox (both e-mail and on your desk) is probably overflowing with offers from organizations hoping to sell you such posters.

Track pay and experience, adjust wages accordingly


If your employees essentially perform exactly the same function, yet some are paid less than others, it may be time to compare pay and experience in your workplace. Then, adjust pay accordingly …

Careful what you wish for: Association loses its own argument


The Illinois Hotel and Lodging Association is enduring that exquisite feeling of being haunted by its own words …

Daley asks teachers’ union for a longer Chicago school day


Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has asked the Chicago Teachers Union for longer school days …

To make the money spend better, first get it in the bank


They say the pace of life is slow in the South, but Georgia House Speaker Glenn Richardson thinks at least one facet of life should be faster in Georgia …