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Compensation & Benefits

Continuation health care coverage: What does California require beyond COBRA?


Q. I know that the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) requires employers with 20 or more workers to offer continuation health care coverage following a “qualifying event.” Does California law impose additional requirements? …

Join NJ state employees in fall fitness challenge


Employees at New Jersey state agencies who want to get into better shape, live healthier and perhaps save taxpayers a few dollars in health care costs are participating in the Working Well New Jersey Fitness Challenge. Employees track their wellness and exercise efforts over a six-week period ending Nov. 3 …

Under what circumstances can an employee challenge a termination?


Q. If an employee believes he has been terminated unfairly, does he have a legal right to challenge the termination? …

How to put a stop to FMLA leave abuse


Q. I suspect one of the employees in our office is abusing his FMLA leave because he always seems to call off work at the end of the week or around holidays. What options are available to us to deny his suspicious leave requests? —E.L. …

Religious accommodations


Q. An employee of ours is requesting a personal day off for religious observance. He is salaried and has exhausted all vacation and personal time. Are we required to give him the day off? …

How to prevent employees from abusing PTO leave


A reader of our e-mail newsletter, HR Weekly, recently posed this question to the e-letter’s Q&A Forum section: “We allow employees to take paid time off (PTO) in hourly increments, but they often use PTO when running late in the morning or for unexpected ‘appointments.’ How can we get a rein on our PTO leave?” …

Act fast on FMLA leave requests—Delay triggers a violation


If you don’t train supervisors to immediately forward all FMLA requests to the HR office, you may find your organization on the losing end of an FMLA-interference lawsuit. An important new court ruling shows it doesn’t matter whether the employee’s FMLA leave request eventually is approved …

3-Month ‘Future Leave’ Helps Retain Employees


Employees at Accenture, a management consulting company, can take three months off—for any reason—and their jobs will be waiting for them when they return. As part of the company’s Future Leave program, which grants unpaid leave of up to three months with continued benefits, supervisors don’t even ask why the employee wants to take the time off …

Ohio poised to mandate generous family leave


The Ohio Civil Rights Commission has proposed a new statewide policy to guarantee 12 weeks’ maternity leave to mothers working for companies with as few as four employees, with no minimum length of service. The law would replace Ohio’s existing law, which requires companies to give a “reasonable period of time off,” a standard which has been confusing …

FMLA intermittent leave and hours worked


Q. We have an employee with a chronic health condition who began taking FMLA intermittent leave in February. She had worked more than 1,250 hours in the 12 months before the leave started. By June, she had dropped below 1,250 hours. Does she lose her eligibility now? …