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Compensation & Benefits

No matter how many contracts, OT still starts after 40 hours


Do you have employees working on different contracts during the same week? If so, you must make sure you add up their total number of hours and pay overtime for the hours in excess of 40 per week. You can’t issue separate paychecks for each contract and avoid overtime payments. The Fair Labor Standards Act clearly states that all hours worked “for a particular employer” count for overtime, even if the work is done on different projects or contracts.

Can we deduct money owed from employee’s last paycheck?


Q. An employee of ours owes the company about $450. He rented a car using our company charge card and never repaid us. Now he has submitted a resignation letter. Can we deduct the $450 from his final pay? …

6 ways to help employees build nest eggs


More than 60% of employees are counting on a defined-benefit pension plan to fund retirement, even though they acknowledge that the system is moving away from that traditional savings system. Among workers whose employers have reduced their retirement benefits, nearly 40% say they haven’t done anything to pick up the slack. Your organization can help employees build their nest eggs. Here are six ways …

Green light to discipline managers who doctor time cards


In today’s litigious environment, it doesn’t take much for a disgruntled employee to launch a class-action overtime lawsuit. In fact, such litigation is sweeping the country—and costing employers millions of dollars. That’s why conscientious employers act fast to stamp out a dangerous and illegal practice: managers altering pay records to avoid paying overtime. If you catch managers cooking the payroll books, punish them promptly …

How to handle missed time-clock punches


Q. At our office, if an employee misses a time-clock punch, his pay for that day is suspended until he receives his check stub. The employee must then fill out a missed time-card punch form and have it signed by a senior partner. The missed pay is then applied to the person’s next pay period. Is this legal? — D.L., Virginia …

Timing on final paychecks


Q. When is an employer required to give a worker his final paycheck? …

Clear policies provide a road map for company cars


Employees love company cars, especially if they frequently drive to client sites and are allowed to drive the cars home. Whether your organization supplies the sought-after sedans to staffers who drive around for business—such as sales reps and IT repair techs—or as a perk for valued employees, the road will be smoother if you set down clear policies in writing …

How to make reward and recognition programs fun


The problem with standardized reward and recognition programs is that they are completely impersonal processes. Instead of thinking about the specific people involved, the company provides the same generic awards to everyone. But when an element of fun and play is added, the experience becomes personalized and much more memorable for the award recipient, without additional financial expense …

Employers increase 401(k) contributions as they cut pensions


Two-thirds of organizations with traditional defined-benefit pension plans have closed them to new employees, frozen them for all participants or plan to do so within two years. A new survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute also found that most employers increased their contributions to employees’ defined-contribution 401(k) plans …

Avoid a fine: Let employees know about company stock in 401(k)


If your organization offers its own stock as an investment option for employees’ 401(k) plans, let them know when they’re eligible to sell it. Last year’s Pension Protection Act says employees who buy company stock with their own contributions can sell it at any time …