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Compensation & Benefits

Employer’s mistake doesn’t extend FMLA leave


It’s not always easy to calculate exactly how much FMLA leave an employee has coming. Rest assured, though: If you make a mistake, you can fix it. Just be sure to fix it as soon as you discover the error so your mistake doesn’t harm the employee …

Entice boomers to take advantage of direct deposit


Your baby boomer employees—those born between 1946 and 1964—are more likely to demand paper paychecks than younger workers and those older than 61. The main reason: They don’t trust direct deposit, says a survey by the U.S. Treasury Department …

Workers pitch in to help colleagues cope with crises


When a Meridian Health employee lacked the money to bury a parent, she turned to the organization’s “When In Need” (WIN) employee emergency fund. Meridian Health, a group of nonprofit health care organizations in central New Jersey, created the WIN fund in 2001 …

Preparing for Florida’s minimum wage hike


Florida’s minimum wage rises to $6.79 per hour on Jan. 1, 2008. Florida law requires the Agency for Workforce Innovation to adjust the minimum wage annually to reflect changes in the U.S. Consumer Price Index for urban wage earners and clerical workers in the South. The index rose 1.85% in the year ending Sept. 1, 2007 …

Leap-Year compensation: cutting the check


Q. I am new to HR and our payroll department just told me they’re lowering salaried employees’ pay next year to offset the additional pay period caused by the leap year. They said salaried employees are paid based on a yearly amount, and we normally have 26 pay periods but we will have 27 in 2008. My initial thought is, “This is not going to go over well.” — J.S., Pennsylvania …

Worker notification requirements when layoffs are planned for 2008


Q. We employ nearly 100 employees at a facility in San Jose. What type of notice must we provide if we are planning to lay off more than half of these employees during the first quarter of next year? …

New law puts curbs on Social Security numbers on paychecks


Q. We’ve heard that a new law changes how we use Social Security numbers in the workplace. Is that true? …

Did Clearmore Construction clear more than it earned?


Construction company owner Paul Garrett, of Warne in western North Carolina, has been charged with conspiring to defraud Alabama Power Company (APCO) of $250,000 …

Can direct deposit be compulsory?


Q. Can we require employees to use direct deposit? …

Bill would require 401(k) fee disclosure


A congressional proposal would require retirement plan service providers to disclose all conflicts of interest to help employers and participants decide whether it’s the plan for them …