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DeWeese’s ‘Tuesday massacre’ has Democrats cringing

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Retiring instead of facing discipline doesn’t constitute constructive discharge


Employees who retire to avoid facing internal disciplinary charges can’t turn around and claim they were constructively discharged. That’s why employers might want to consider offering retirement in such cases as an option in lieu of discipline …

Settle quickly if you’re worried overtime case will expand


Overtime collective actions represent a growing nationwide trend. These are cases in which one employee claims his employer misclassified him as exempt and owes overtime. The employee also claims to represent everyone else similarly situated. If such a case goes forward, it may mean the employer must pay out thousands of dollars in unpaid overtime. Employers have only one chance to make the case go away …

Majority of AstraZeneca employees take advantage of flex time


Few organizations can boast that 90% of their employees use flexible work arrangements. Yet the majority of employees at AstraZeneca’s Wilmington, DE, headquarters use flexible work options ranging from compressed workweeks and part-time schedules to telecommuting and job sharing …

Remind supervisors: Neglecting job descriptions, appraisals lead to trouble


It may be a busy, hectic and crazy workplace, but that doesn’t excuse supervisors and managers from providing updated and accurate job descriptions and documenting job performances. Workplaces that neglect those essential duties face huge lawsuit risks …

Women have up to three years to file equal-Pay lawsuits under the EPA


If you thought last year’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Ledbetter case made it clear that employees must file EEOC complaints within 300 days of suffering a discriminatory pay decision, think again. That deadline applies only to sex discrimination cases brought under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act …

Basic problem stalls pay suit: Plaintiff made lots of money


Jacqueline Bowbin sued Bulkmatic Transport Inc. for gender discrimination, alleging violations of the Equal Pay Act. In 2006, Bowbin claims, her supervisor told her she would be well into a six-figure salary with bonuses and stock compensation. But that year, Bulkmatic apparently did not award either, companywide. Bowbin cried gender discrimination …

Time spent working on employee suggestion program—Is it work time?


Q. Our company recently has adopted an employee suggestion program with prizes for employees who make a suggestion that we adopt. I have been asked whether employees who turn in suggestions must be paid for the time they spend on developing their ideas if they work on them at home. Employees are not required to turn in suggestions, but we did make a big deal about the suggestion program with our employees …

Intermittent leave and part-time status


Q. Can we change an employee’s status from full time to part time if he takes intermittent leave and his hours fall below what we consider full-time work? …

State minimum wage goes up


California workers who earn the minimum wage will see their pay increase to $8 per hour starting Jan. 1, 2008. California and Massachusetts have the nation’s highest state minimum wages …