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Compensation & Benefits

Family responsibilities discrimination poses complex quandary


When employers make employment decisions based on sex stereotypes about caregivers or favor employees who don’t have family responsibilities, affected employees can successfully sue for family responsibilities discrimination (FRD) …

How to Help Managers Deliver the ‘No Raise’ News to Employees


The most difficult part of a system that withholds merit increases from poor performers is giving the bad news to the employee who hasn’t earned a raise. That can be a scary prospect for managers who don’t like delivering bad news.  That’s where you step in: Help them prepare, so that they don’t cave in to the pressure …

The dreadful dozen: The 12 worst absence excuses ever


CareerBuilder.com recently asked 2,929 hiring managers and HR pros to name the lamest excuses they had ever heard for missing work. Who knew America’s work force was so fragile—or creative? Maybe some innovative strategies can stem the tide of absenteeism.

EEOC rule allows coordination of retiree health benefits with Medicare


The EEOC has issued a final rule allowing the long-standing employer practice of coordinating retiree health benefits with Medicare without violating the age discrimination law. The new reg ends a seven-year battle to ensure  "bridge" coverage for younger retirees.

Feds propose new rules that would require more disclosure about 401(k) fees


The U.S. Department of Labor has proposed new regulations that would require 401(k) administrators to reveal their fees—but not to employees.

Add coaching, mentoring to retention effort


Coaching and mentoring are among the top new ways to retain high-potential employees, says a survey by ClearRock, a Boston-based executive coaching firm …

Valdosta Tech president swept up in card abuse audit


Robert Abene, president of Valdosta Technical College, resigned days after his son was arrested on charges of misusing a state-issued credit card. Abene said he was resigning to focus on his family …

Can managers make changes on time sheets?

Q. Is it illegal for managers to change the time sheets of employees—either exempt or nonexempt—if they neglect to indicate a day off, etc.?

What are ADA requirements for accommodating depression and psychiatric disabilities?

Q. If a worker complains that he or she is depressed and needs time off, do I have a duty under the ADA to give the worker leave?

5 trends will shape compensation & benefits in 2008


You’re probably under pressure to reduce benefits costs as your organization tries to remain competitive in the marketplace. But don’t neglect your competitiveness in the race to attract and retain the best employees. They’re probably looking for even better benefits to offset static pay raises. Five key issues are emerging in 2008 for compensation and benefits professionals …