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Compensation & Benefits

Do parents get leave for school events?


Q. We have several employees who have children in school and sometimes want to leave work early to attend recitals, sports events and other school activities. Are employees who are parents entitled to a leave time to attend their children’s school activities? …

FMLA leave for small employers


Q. If an employer is not covered by the FMLA, is the employee entitled to leave time for the birth of a child, the employee’s serious medical condition or the serious medical condition of a family member? …

Corzine, Sweeney push worker-Paid family leave bill


Gov. Jon Corzine and State Sen. Stephen Sweeney, D-Gloucester, are pushing a bill that would make New Jersey the third state to offer mandatory paid leave to employees to care for a new child or sick relative. Sweeney originally proposed 10 weeks of leave, but said in November he would consider cutting that to six weeks if it would get the proposed plan passed …

Worker receiving disability benefits: Can we substitute unpaid FMLA for paid leave?


Q. My employee, who is a union member, has a nonwork-related injury that requires a six-week absence from work. In the meantime, she is receiving $300 per week through a union trust fund that provides her and other covered union members with short-term disability benefits. She also has requested and was placed on FMLA leave. We’d like her to substitute any unpaid FMLA leave with paid leave, which is our usual company policy when someone is out on FMLA leave. Is there a problem with doing this in this situation?

Suspect employee plays fast and loose with FMLA leave? Check medical certification


Employers are entitled to information about the FMLA intermittent leave employees take and can request certification from the employee’s health care providers. Employers then have to abide by the certification—unless the employer receives information that casts doubt on the certification …

Is it insubordination to call in sick after being turned down for leave?


Q. During the busiest period of the year, a veteran employee asked for time off to attend her nephew’s graduation. After being turned down, she called in sick on graduation day. Is this considered insubordination? And how should we handle this situation? …

Tell employees when you plan to charge time off to FMLA


When an employee takes leave to deal with a serious health condition, be sure to inform her that you plan to charge the time against her allotment of unpaid FMLA leave. If you fail to do so and the employee later runs out of leave and loses a benefit, it will be relatively easy for her to sue and show she was somehow harmed by the lack of notice …

Judge denies TWU bid to regain dues check-Off rights


Brooklyn State Supreme Court Justice Bruce Balter flatly denied the Transport Workers Union of America’s (TWU) request to resume automatic dues deductions after the union failed to renounce its right to strike …

Union security clauses are enforceable in Michigan—Non-Dues payer can be fired


Q. I run a small warehouse facility where the employees are represented by a union. The labor contract requires all employees to pay union dues or an equivalent fee. The union has contacted me and indicated that one of my laid-off employees is not in good standing for failing to pay union dues, and has requested that the employee be discharged. Even though he is laid off, the union still requires him to pay union dues. This is a good employee, and I do not want to terminate him. Am I required to do so? …

Clocking in and out: Can we round up or down?


Q. My company tracks the hours of nonexempt employees through the use of a time clock. In determining the wages to be paid an employee, can we round up or down to the nearest five-minute increment? …