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Compensation & Benefits

North Carolina gets high marks for pension management


North Carolina is one of only a handful of states with a fully funded pension, according to a recent study by the Pew Center on the States, although the state’s obligations for retiree health care and other benefits is underfunded by $139 million …

Refusing to return from leave


Q. A worker who was injured on the job but now is better is refusing to return from leave. What can we do? …

Lying about a work injury?


Q. I suspect that an employee out on workers’ compensation is lying about the extent of her injury. May I require the employee to have another medical examination? …

Limits on workers’ comp leave?


Q. Is there any limitation on how long workers’ compensation leave may go on? …

Health incentive plans must comply with HIPAA rules


As another year of double-digit increases in health care costs looms, employers are looking to save money wherever they can. Recently, many have tried to do so by implementing incentive programs designed to improve the health of their employees. But health incentive plans must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act’s privacy and nondiscrimination rules …

New Jersey partners with IRS on employment tax enforcement


New Jersey is one of 29 states that have signed memoranda of understanding with the IRS to share enforcement information on employment tax collection matters. The move is part of the IRS’ Questionable Employment Tax Practices (QETP) initiative …

Despite ERISA workers’ comp plan, employee can still sue for negligence


Texas employers that opt out of the state workers’ compensation system often adopt separate insurance plans to cover employees’ on-the-job injuries. Those plans usually provide no-fault benefits and are governed by ERISA. That doesn’t mean, however, that employees can’t sue under other state laws …

Colorado Employment Security Act

Colorado’s unemployment compensation fund, like that of many other states, provides temporary payments to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. The Colorado Department of Labor & Employment (CDLE) administers the Employment Security Act through its Division of Employment and Training …

Colorado Workers’ Compensation Act

Colorado’s workers’ compensation system protects employees who are injured on the job by replacing lost wages while they recover. The state’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (www.coworkforce.com/DWC) administers the law …

Colorado Lifestyle Discrimination Law

The Colorado Lifestyle Discrimination Law protects employees who engage in legal activities, such as using tobacco or alcohol when not at work. And unlike the lifestyle discrimination laws in other states, Colorado’s statute has an unusual twist: It specifically lists marriage and planning to marry as protected legal activities …