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Compensation & Benefits

Message to sick employees: We want you to stay home!


More than half of employees admit they show up for work when they’re sick, according to a CCH Unscheduled Absence Survey. Here are a few simple ways to help your organization reverse the trend of "presenteeism" so employees can recuperate from the flu or other illnesses and return to work focused and productive …

Maternity leave war leads to CRC head’s resignation


Barbara Sykes said it was “political back and forth” that led her to resign her post as appointed head of Ohio’s Civil Rights Commission (CRC) just before her confirmation hearing. Sykes locked horns with Gov. Ted Strickland over the commission’s proposal to expand Ohio’s maternity leave requirements …

Changes to Ohio’s pregnancy discrimination rules now in question


In the fall of 2007, the Ohio Civil Rights Commission’s proposed revisions to the rules governing pregnancy discrimination became a hot political topic. Due to some unusual political wrangling, the future of the proposed rule revision is very much in question …

To pay or not to pay for snow days


Q. Am I required to pay my employees when they miss work due to inclement weather? …

Does destination of FMLA leave matter?


Q. We are an Illinois-based company and have an employee whose mother is very sick with cancer and in need of medical care at home. The employee is entitled to FMLA leave. The issue is that the mother lives in Hawaii and he has asked for leave starting next month. I don’t mean to be “cold,” but it sounds like a vacation from our bitter winter. Must we grant the leave for him to go to Hawaii? …

How can we help an employee who is receiving harassing phone calls?


Q. We have an employee who comes to work and performs very well. Over the past several months I have come to learn that she is constantly receiving harassing calls and threats from her husband. We feel helpless and want to do something but we don’t offer employee assistance programs. What are our options? …

Must the signature of an actual doctor appear on FMLA leave certification?


Q. An employee who is seeking FMLA leave has submitted the required paperwork from his doctor’s office, but the doctor’s staff assistant signed it. We asked our employee about the paperwork, and he told us that he went to his physician’s office and asked an assistant to fill out the certification. The doctor was not there when our employee took in the paperwork, and he admits that he had never seen the assistant before. Nonetheless, our employee is telling us that we have to accept the certification because someone at his doctor’s office signed it. Please tell me that at a minimum the physician has to know and approve of this certification …

Is intermittent leave allowed to help parent move?


Q. An employee takes intermittent leave to care for his parent. Do situations like helping his mother move to a new location qualify as FMLA leave? — B.D., Nevada …

Verifying FMLA leave for chronic conditions


Q. An employee has a chronic condition that’s been medically certified. What information can we request to verify that his absences relate to his medical condition? — D.J., Florida …

Carefully consider FMLA request to prevent double damages


The FMLA has a built-in penalty for intentionally interfering with the law. Courts can double the damages when they believe an employer acted to circumvent the FMLA. Acting in good faith is the key. Even if a court finds in favor of an employee’s FMLA complaint, you may be able to avoid paying double if you can show you carefully considered whether the employee was eligible for FMLA leave …