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Compensation & Benefits

Are we liable for a car accident our employee had on the way to a meeting?

Q. If an employee is involved in a “fender bender” en route to a work-related meeting in his or her personal vehicle, is the employer liable?

Submit electronic Form 5500 by next Jan. 1


By Jan. 1, 2009, you will have to file an electronic version of Form 5500, the annual report of your employee benefits plan. The original deadline was Jan. 1, 2008, but employers complained they didn’t have enough time to comply with the new rule …

Are you ready to let shareholders vote on executive pay?


Verizon is doing it, and interest among other U.S. organizations is growing as excessive executive compensation gets more negative publicity. But don’t look for an overnight change in the way executive pay is determined …

What ‘Brown’ does for employees, education


UPS uses a tuition assistance program to attract part-time employees to work the graveyard shift. Much of the $300 million the firm has spent on tuition assistance programs over 10 years has paid for its trademarked Earn and Learn program for part-time employees …

Does your insurance cover you for employee injuries that fall outside workers’ comp?


Nothing can sink an organization faster than having to pay a huge damage award without insurance coverage to pick up at least part of the tab. And if you don’t have the right policy, that can happen under an exception to Michigan’s workers’ compensation law …

Plenty of bustle, too little hustle for U.S. Airways workers


U.S. Airways didn’t meet its holiday goals for on-time flights and baggage handling, so its workers did not receive the $100 bonus awards offered through the airline’s “Holiday Hustle” program …

Pay commission? Make sure contracts are clear about terms


Commissions are a great way to motivate some employees to work harder. Usually a contract spells out the commission terms and how the payments work. But if the contract is the least bit unclear, expect trouble—especially if someday you have to discharge a commissioned salesman for poor performance …

Can you force staff to participate in wellness programs?


Your organization, like many, may have embraced a wellness program to help employees quit smoking, lose weight, exercise more or participate in screenings for high blood pressure or cholesterol. You may have even thought about requiring employees to participate. But that’s a controversial practice that is likely to step on laws ranging from HIPAA to the ADA …

Got mental health benefits? Spread the word


According to the nonprofit Partnership for Workplace Mental Health, more than 40% of employees who work for organizations with mental health benefits don’t know anything about them. Yet they’re keenly aware when workplace stress takes its toll on their productivity and happiness …

When is retirement not retirement? When the retiree is on workers’ comp


No doubt about it, the workers’ compensation system is a headache for employers. It’s full of frustrations and surprises. Consider, for example, the fairly common scenario of a retired employee receiving workers’ comp payments. Seems like retiring would end workers’ compensation payments, right? Not necessarily, as the following case illustrates …