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Compensation & Benefits

DOL guidance addresses retirement plan cybersecurity

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued new guidance for retirement plan sponsors on best practices for maintaining cybersecurity, including tips on how to protect employees’ retirement benefits.

Your vaccination decisions: 5 key issues to consider

You should absolutely formalize your decisions in a written vaccination policy that you provide to each employee, so that everyone is on the same page as to your requirements and expectations. Here are the five key considerations that should be front of mind.

Is it illegal to pay an employee with 91,000 pennies?

When Andreas quit his job at a Georgia auto body shop, the annoyed owner delivered his final $915 of wages due in a very unique way … 91,500 greasy pennies dumped in a pile on Andreas’ driveway. Is that legal?

Pay employees for pre-shift COVID screening

To decide if you must pay employees for their pre- or post-work activities—such as putting on uniforms, waiting in a time-clock line, etc.—take a look at the Fair Labor Standards Act. The main issue is whether the pre- or post-activity is “integral” and “indispensable” to the employee’s principal activity.

DOL releases guidance on the COBRA subsidy

The Department of Labor has dedicated a web page to the American Rescue Plan Act’s 100% COBRA subsidy. It’s also released a ton of guidance on the subsidy, and just in time. The 100% subsidy kicked in April 1. There’s a lot to unpack, so let’s get started.

Help newlyweds make new names official

Expect an outbreak of wedding bells among your employees later this year. HR and payroll should start preparing now to process name changes.

Snapshot: Which wellness benefits are employers investing in?

During the pandemic, twin trends—mental health and telemedicine—have dominated employers’ wellness initiatives.

First Friday in April: A little of this, a little of that and a serving of humble pie

Let’s look at what’s payroll-related in President Biden’s infrastructure plan, among other issues (but first, the all-important designated hitter debate continues).

It’s time to scrap pay-secrecy policies

Traditionally, employers have tried to keep a lid on compensation-related discord by asking employees not to discuss pay. To some extent, that’s just the way it’s always been. But today, no-talk-about-pay rules are under legal assault, challenged for violating the law and helping perpetuate income inequality.

Walsh to lead Biden pro-worker agenda

For the first time in 40 years, the U.S. Department of Labor is now headed by a union leader. Marty Walsh will take the lead on advocating for workers on an array of issues.