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Compensation & Benefits

Cutting health insurance costs by declining to cover contraception

Q. Our company is trying to reduce our medical insurance costs. I have been asked whether we could eliminate coverage for contraceptives. If we provide health care that includes a prescription drug benefit, are we required to provide coverage for contraceptives? …

Dilbert and the drunken lemurs

The Catfish Bend Casino in Iowa fired David Steward recently after surveillance video showed that Steward posted a Dilbert comic strip on an office bulletin board.  The comic strip implied the company’s bosses were a bunch of “drunken lemurs.” …

Schwarzenegger vows to continue health care reform

On Jan. 29, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said in a statement that he is determined to change California’s health care system despite the defeat of A.B.X. 11, the omnibus health care reform legislation that recently stalled in Sacramento …

Double dipping? Severance payments and unemployment compensation

Q. May a terminated employee receiving payments under a severance agreement also receive unemployment benefits? …

Pennsylvania workers’ comp costs to fall this year

The price of workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania is going down this year. Gov. Ed Rendell accepted the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau’s recommended rate schedules, which decreased workers’ comp premiums by an average of 10.22% …

Collecting unpaid health insurance premiums after FMLA leave

Q. One of our employees recently came back from FMLA leave. Before he left, we never agreed on the method by which he would pay his share of health insurance premiums. It’s been two months now, and the employee hasn’t mentioned it or attempted to pay us back. What can we do to collect the premium? …

Labor Department publishes proposed new FMLA regulations

On Feb. 11, 2008, the U.S. Labor Department published proposed regulations interpreting the FMLA of 1993. The department also published new draft forms for use in processing FMLA leave requests. Interested parties have until April 11, 2008, to submit comments on the proposed regulations …

Changes coming to the FMLA—For better and for worse

After remaining untouched for its first 15 years, the FMLA has received a makeover in the past couple of months—first by Congress, and then by regulators at the U.S. Labor Department. Here are the highlights …

Personal dislike not enough to win discrimination lawsuit

We’re all different, and personality conflicts are a fact of life. But even if some supervisors and subordinates may not be on the best of terms, minor slights and unfair treatment aren’t enough for a discrimination lawsuit …

Labor Dept. proposes extensive revisions to FMLA regulations

The U.S Labor Department has announced proposed revisions to the FMLA regulations.  And the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2008 amended the FMLA to provide leave for eligible employees to care for injured service members and to deal with any “qualifying exigency” arising out of the fact that a covered family member is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty …