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Compensation & Benefits

Can an early lunchtime mean no break time?

Q. If I work from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., can my employer allow a 10-minute break in the morning, lunch at 11 a.m. and no break in the afternoon because I didn’t work four hours after lunch? …

Training classes and travel time

Q. Are employers required to pay employees their hourly wages when they are assigned to attend training classes? Our employees travel from Colorado Springs to Denver and are not paid or reimbursed for their travel time. They also are not paid during the two- or three-day training course. Employees travel to and from the training daily. If the employee does not stay with the company for one year and one day after completion of the training, the employee is required to reimburse the employer for the school. Are these practices legal? …

Equal Pay Act claims may hit employers by surprise

Employers may think last year’s U.S. Supreme Court Ledbetter decision means employees can’t wait years before complaining about sex discrimination if the issue is pay. Surprise! It’s not always true …

‘Service charges’ may be tips—And therefore must go to waitstaff

When entertainment venues sell prepaid tickets, these often include a “service charge.” If the business tells inquiring buyers that the service charge is a tip, and therefore discourages them from leaving additional money, the business can’t keep the money. It doesn’t matter whether the service charge is voluntary or mandatory …

Careful what you wish for at IBM

Victory wasn’t so sweet for thousands of employees who sued Armonk-based IBM claiming the company had illegally classified them as exempt. IBM agreed to reclassify them, making them eligible for overtime pay. The catch? The company cut their salaries by 15% …

Ignoring your military pay policy may be costly

If, like many employers, you honor military service with special pay arrangements for those who serve their country, take note: If you don’t follow your own handbook, you may find a court ready to punish you with big damages …

Gov. Strickland ends flextime for state employees

Gov. Ted Strickland has put an end to flexible work hours for thousands of state employees, citing the need to provide full staffing during the traditional business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday …

Revise confidentiality policy to omit any hint it covers wages

It’s considered impolite in many circles to discuss money, but don’t try to stop employees from talking about their pay. Setting a policy that prohibits employees from sharing information about hourly rates, salaries, bonuses or the terms of their employment could violate the National Labor Relations Act—even if your employees do not belong to a union …

You smoke, you’re fired! Lessons from the Whirlpool Case

The dangers of smoking are well documented: heart disease and cancer, shorter life expectancy, higher health care expenses. Now add another risk: As workers in Indiana just found out, smoking could get you fired. Was their employer justified in taking action, or did it step into a legal quagmire?

New religious discrimination legislation expands NJLAD

Employers, take notice: A new type of accommodation is required in New Jersey. Gov. Jon S. Corzine has signed into law an amendment to the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) that makes it unlawful to discriminate against an employee because of a sincerely held religious practice or observance …