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Compensation & Benefits

What counts as an ‘FMLA week’: 40 hours?


Q. How should I calculate the number of hours to charge to an employee’s 12-week FMLA entitlement? We have employees who work 40, 55 and 64 hours per week. Do we give them a 12-week cap or do we extend the weekly amount to cover the amount of weeks it would take to cover 480 hours (which assumes a “standard” 40-hour week)?

Plan to pick up slack when FMLA leave cuts worker output

For better or worse, intermittent FMLA leave sometimes has the effect of turning a full-time job into a de facto part-time one. That means an employee taking intermittent leave probably won’t get everything done. it’s up to the employer to figure out how to fill the gap …

You can require FMLA certification form directly from doctor

Are you concerned about possible FMLA abuse? The law and FMLA regulations allow employers to insist on receiving FMLA certification forms directly from a health care provider’s office—and not by way of the employee. That way, there’s little chance the employee can alter what the doctor has certified …

Don’t let jury duty force you to defend yourself in court

Both Illinois and federal laws require employers to let their employees off for jury duty. Additionally, employers may not penalize employees for serving on a jury. No matter how obvious this is, every now and then, employers try to get back at employees who perform their civic duties. It never works …

Beware reverse sex discrimination when setting schedules and overtime policies

It isn’t unusual for fathers to have extensive child care responsibilities. Make sure your policies recognize that fact. Don’t succumb to stereotypical thinking. For example, if you waive some work requirements so mothers can pick up their kids from day care, give fathers the same flexibility …

Class action claims Illinois Bell underpays call center staff

Illinois Bell/AT&T Illinois is the latest target in a national wave of class-action back-wage lawsuits brought on behalf of call center employees. A lawsuit against the phone company says it pays workers only for time when they are logged into the phone system, ignoring time spent working when they are not on the phone …

Resurrection faces state charges after refusing to pay back wages

After years of dodging an Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) order to pay back wages to its workers, Resurrection Health Care will have to square off with the state attorney general’s office …

Duluth: Municipal retirees should sign up for Medicare

The city of Duluth says it can save up to $600,000 per year if 37 of its retirees sign up for Medicare. The city discovered during a recent audit that some of its retirees weren’t enrolled in the federal retiree health insurance program …

What are the rules on parenting leave for small employers?

Q. We are a small shop with 15 employees. One of our full-time employees who has been with us for more than five years recently announced that his wife is pregnant. He requested eight weeks’ leave after the baby is born. Are we required to give him this leave? …

Court clears up confusion over meal breaks

Do you have to provide employees who work eight hours or more during a shift with an unpaid meal break away from all job responsibilities? Or can you continue to pay employees while they eat, expecting them to take calls or respond to work needs? …