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Compensation & Benefits

Sign of the times? Schools consider 4-Day week

The MACCRAY School District, which serves the towns of Maynard, Clara City and Raymond, has floated a plan to cut Monday classes to save on fuel prices …

The FMLA and domestic partners

Q. Several of our company’s employees live with domestic partners. Are these employees entitled to leave under the FMLA? …

Balance FMLA and ADA rights to avoid potential trouble

What happens if an employee who qualifies for FMLA leave also has a qualified disability under the ADA, a disability that could be accommodated with additional time off or a job modification? Before you discharge someone unable to return to her old job after 12 weeks of FMLA leave, consider whether she is disabled and can be accommodated—if she asks …

Make sure employees understand your FMLA calendar

FMLA regulations provide employers with four options for calculating how much leave employees are entitled to at any given time. But if you don’t select a method and let employees know, the DOL says you must use the one most beneficial to the employee. That may mean doing four calculations every time an employee wants FMLA leave …

Worried about leave abuse? You can require regular call-Off

Employees who have chronic medical conditions that require intermittent FMLA leave sometimes take advantage of alleged flare-ups to go on vacation or otherwise miss work for personal reasons. Discourage that kind of abuse by requiring them to call in daily. If the employee ignores the requirement, you can terminate her for failing to follow company policy …

Returning worker, FMLA leave and consecutive employment

We have an employee who has worked for us for more than 12 months, but not 12 consecutive months (he left, and then we rehired him). Now this employee is requesting FMLA leave. Must the months of employment required to be eligible for FMLA leave be consecutive? …

Union-Free and eager to stay that way

Q. Our company has operated union-free for many years. How can we best protect ourselves against future union-organizing activities? …

Quick discrimination check: Tally pay by protected status

If you do a quick assessment of whether your organization may be inadvertently discriminating in pay and there seem to be big differences between the groups, it’s probably time to seriously consider doing a full analysis of your pay structure …

Relying on law enforcement exemption? Be prepared to show volunteers meet the test

Government agencies that employ fewer than five people in fire protection or law enforcement aren’t required to pay those employees overtime. A common problem is that many small public agencies rely on volunteers to perform firefighting and law enforcement duties. If that’s true at your agency, make absolutely sure those “volunteers” meet the volunteer test …

Kroger will pay $16 million in discrimination suit settlement

he Kroger Company will pay $16 million to settle a race discrimination lawsuit by 12 current and former employees. The lawsuit accused the Cincinnati-based grocery chain of blocking the promotions of black employees and paying them less than whites …