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Compensation & Benefits

O’Hare immigrant workers file back-Wages suit

A group of temporary ground workers at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport has filed an unpaid wages lawsuit against eight companies, including its employment agency, Ideal Staffing Solutions of Bensenville.  

Same-Sex marriage and employee benefits in Minnesota

In light of the recent California Supreme Court ruling allowing same-sex marriages in that state and legislation in Massachusetts that, in effect, legalizes same-sex marriages, Minnesota employers may wonder whether they now must provide benefits to same-sex partners of employees who were married in those two states. The short answer seems to be no …

Salaries Expected to Grow in ’09 Despite Sluggish Economy

Despite the economic gloom that’s dominated the headlines for the last year, there’s a ray of hope for employees—and perhaps a sign that employers are bullish on business prospects for 2009. A pair of new surveys shows that employers are proceeding with plans to pay their workers more next year.

Can we ask current employees to sign noncompete agreements?

Q. Is it possible for an employer in Minnesota to enter into an enforceable noncompete agreement with an existing employee? …

Can severance agreement rule out seeking unemployment comp?

Q. In exchange for severance benefits, we would like a departing employee to promise not to file a claim for unemployment compensation. Can this be a term of our severance agreement? …

Must we provide time off to attend the Republican National Convention?

Q. An employee who has used all his paid time off has asked for a leave of absence to attend the Republican National Convention. He is a delegate. Are we required to grant the leave? …

Can we withhold accrued vacation pay if employee doesn’t give two weeks’ notice?

Q. Our company policy is to not pay an employee for unused vacation time if the employee resigns without giving the required two weeks’ notice. A former employee has challenged this policy and is threatening to take the company to court. Is this policy lawful? …

Develop procedures for breaks that accommodate disabilities

Sometimes, employees with disabilities may need additional breaks as reasonable accommodations. But you don’t have to leave the timing or duration of the breaks entirely to the employee. If you do, it will be hard to tell whether the employee is taking a legitimate and necessary accommodations break or simply taking advantage of additional freedom. And that can lead to litigation …

Judge finds Wal-Mart guilty of 2 million violations

Wal-Mart’s class-action woes are reaching cosmic proportions. Dakota County District Judge Robert King Jr. in June found the mega-retailer guilty of 2 million violations of Minnesota labor law. At the rate of $1,000 per violation, that could add up to $2 billion in fines …

Fee for day-Labor transporting must be ‘Reasonable’ cost or $1.50, whichever is lower

If your organization uses day laborers and arranges for their transportation, make sure it charges them a “reasonable” fee. The current version of the Florida Labor Pool Act (FLPA) limits the one-way transportation charge to no more than $1.50, but you’re not allowed to simply charge that seemingly small amount. You also must be prepared to prove the charge is reasonable …