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Compensation & Benefits

Handbook must explain leave payout terms


Employee handbooks should spell out exactly what it takes to earn time off—and what happens when an employee resigns or is fired. Make sure you spell out the limitations, or you may end up stuck paying for accrued time when you discharge an employee for serious problems, such as a failed drug test …

Employee out on military leave: How long must we hold his position?


Q. How long am I required to hold a position open for an employee who needs a leave due to military service? …

Home building equals team building for employees of Colorado firm


The most popular team-building exercise among employees of InsureMe in Englewood, Colo., is a four-day trip to Juarez, Mexico, during which they build homes for low-income Mexican families. Nineteen of the firm’s 64 employees have made the trek. Each employee gets two paid days off to participate …

Job description should spell out employee’s exempt or hourly status


There’s no excuse for anyone to be confused about his or her exempt or nonexempt employment status. Make sure every position description clearly labels the job either salaried or hourly. Otherwise, employees will turn to the courts to figure out whether you owe them unpaid overtime or whether you have violated the FLSA …

State pension data available online


Here’s a new resource for HR pros who work for state and local governments: You’ll find detailed, defined-contribution data for the 20 primary plans operated by state governments at http://tinyurl.com/SLGEstatepensiondata.

SSA unveils online calculator


The Social Security Administration (SSA) has unveiled a new online calculator that allows people to estimate their monthly Social Security benefit checks based on their retirement dates. Go to www.socialsecurity/gov.estimator.

Document every pay decision


When you decide to give employees a pay raise—or deny them one—always document the reason. The key is contemporaneous, logical explanations. Few employees will succeed in proving that your reasonable rationale is really a pretext for some form of discrimination …

DOT violated labor laws, inspector general says


Since 2005, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) has paid roughly $6 million in overtime to exempt employees who aren’t entitled to it, according to a report from Inspector General Tom Charles.

Selling flex to management? Focus on benefits beyond HR


If you want support from the C-suite for work/life benefits, tout flexible schedules and telework as tools that do more than aid recruiting and retention. In a recent survey, CFOs said that for flexibility to succeed, organizations have to perceive it as more than an employee perk.

Time to pay attention: the next work/life benefit?


The average worker spends about two hours every day dealing with unnecessary interruptions, which cost businesses $590 billion a year in lost productivity. HR professionals can help solve this problem. In fact, it could be the latest work/life benefit: time to pay attention.