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Compensation & Benefits

Document every pay decision


When you decide to give employees a pay raise—or deny them one—always document the reason. The key is contemporaneous, logical explanations. Few employees will succeed in proving that your reasonable rationale is really a pretext for some form of discrimination …

DOT violated labor laws, inspector general says


Since 2005, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) has paid roughly $6 million in overtime to exempt employees who aren’t entitled to it, according to a report from Inspector General Tom Charles.

Selling flex to management? Focus on benefits beyond HR


If you want support from the C-suite for work/life benefits, tout flexible schedules and telework as tools that do more than aid recruiting and retention. In a recent survey, CFOs said that for flexibility to succeed, organizations have to perceive it as more than an employee perk.

Time to pay attention: the next work/life benefit?


The average worker spends about two hours every day dealing with unnecessary interruptions, which cost businesses $590 billion a year in lost productivity. HR professionals can help solve this problem. In fact, it could be the latest work/life benefit: time to pay attention.

The cure for workers’ comp fraud: daily injury logs


Employees who hurt themselves at work sometimes wait weeks or even months before filing a workers’ compensation claim. What at first seems like a relatively harmless injury can flare into a debilitating condition months later. Such late claims put business owners at a serious disadvantage.

IRS warns employers: Beware shady payroll services


The IRS recently issued a warning, reminding employers that they remain responsible for paying payroll taxes on time, even if their outsourcing partner fails to do its part.

Gristede’s finds you can’t have it both ways on FLSA


A class of more than 400 current and former managers at Gristede’s grocery stores won summary judgment in federal court on claims that the New York City chain violated the FLSA by treating them as both salaried and hourly employees …

Doctor’s note should trigger FMLA certification request


The FMLA gives employers the right to ask for proper medical documentation showing that an employee actually needs and is entitled to medical leave. The law also makes it clear that employers don’t have to accept vague notes or leave requests. But that doesn’t mean you can ignore a doctor’s note that is unclear or ambiguous about the employee’s condition …

Tuition reimbursement: Which workers are eligible?


Among employers that offer tuition reimbursement benefits to their employees, 30% make the option available to employees immediately after they’re hired, says a new study by the Institute for Corporate Productivity …

How to manage (and explain) pay-for-performance plans


Difficult times call for compensation professionals to make difficult decisions. If your average raise is 3.8% and you give it to everyone, your stars are going to look for a bigger bite somewhere else. In fact, they already are. To retain your top talent, you’re going to have to give them bigger-than-average raises …