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Compensation & Benefits

Doctor’s note should trigger FMLA certification request


The FMLA gives employers the right to ask for proper medical documentation showing that an employee actually needs and is entitled to medical leave. The law also makes it clear that employers don’t have to accept vague notes or leave requests. But that doesn’t mean you can ignore a doctor’s note that is unclear or ambiguous about the employee’s condition …

Tuition reimbursement: Which workers are eligible?


Among employers that offer tuition reimbursement benefits to their employees, 30% make the option available to employees immediately after they’re hired, says a new study by the Institute for Corporate Productivity …

How to manage (and explain) pay-for-performance plans


Difficult times call for compensation professionals to make difficult decisions. If your average raise is 3.8% and you give it to everyone, your stars are going to look for a bigger bite somewhere else. In fact, they already are. To retain your top talent, you’re going to have to give them bigger-than-average raises …

Can ‘kiddie wellness’ programs cut your health costs?


HR professionals do a lot of hand-wringing over how to cut health care costs. But one aspect often remains overlooked: the health of employees’ children. Here are five tips for including kids in wellness programs …

The prodigal employee: Should you let staff ‘unresign’?


Q. An employee who resigned last week called and said it was a mistake to leave. He wants to come back. He left on good terms. Should we let him return? If so, how do we handle seniority, accrued vacation, etc.?

Feds: Record number of businesses ignore payroll taxes


The number of employers with substantial payroll tax debts has ballooned in the past decade. About 1.6 million businesses failed to send taxes to the IRS regarding employees’ wages and FICA taxes, and that totals about $58 billion in unpaid taxes …

Auto enrollment in 401(k) plans becoming the norm


According to a Deloitte study, 42% of 401(k) plans now include an auto-enroll feature, nearly double the 23% in 2006.

DOL proposal calls for more 401(k) disclosures


New regulations proposed by the U.S. Department of Labor would require employers with 401(k) plans to disclose more information to employees about plan-related fees and investment performance …

Trouble in the air: The legal ailments of sick-building syndrome


Although it may seem like the far-fetched excuse of an employee hoping to take a few days off from work, a condition known as “sick building syndrome” (SBS) is real. Some employees suffering from SBS have brought claims under the ADA. Others have sought recovery under state workers’ compensation laws …

What should we do if we suspect an employee is abusing workers’ comp?


Q. How far can we go to make sure employees aren’t taking advantage of our company while they’re out on workers’ comp leave? Can we, for example, call them at home to make sure they are resting and not out working another job or otherwise abusing the system? …