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Compensation & Benefits

5 ways to celebrate the holidays despite the downturn


Amid the layoffs and belt-tightening, the December holidays still can be a time for your organization to show its appreciation to employees. Your organization doesn’t have to cancel holiday festivities because of the weak economy. Here are five ways to add some holiday sparkle during financially dark times.

Tough times? Laugh them off for the sake of the holidays


There’s nothing funny about layoffs and pay cuts, but they’re no reason to lose your sense of humor at work, especially during a season that’s supposed to be fun and festive. Managers can do their staffs a huge favor during these tough economic times by lightening up the workplace.

Cutting senior staff to save salary costs? Check impact on older workers


One way to reduce your labor budget is to terminate staff members who are paid the most and replace them with employees who earn less. But be careful before you implement a layoff based on seniority.

Changing employment contract? Get agreement in writing


If some of your employees work under an employment contract that sets salary and other terms, be careful about changing anything. While you may need to cut salaries during tough economic times, doing so without getting a written modification is risky.

Are meal and rest periods mandatory?


Q. We run a manufacturing facility, and our production needs do not always permit our employees to take breaks during the workday. A group of employees have complained that we are required by law to provide rest breaks and a lunch break during their shifts. Are they right?

Is BlackBerry use compensable time?


Q. We provide PDAs to virtually all our employees, some of whom are nonexempt. This enables them to send and respond to e-mails at all hours of the day and night. Does an employee’s time spent on his or her PDA outside of work count as hours worked?

Job sharing allows young parents to work half-time at Atlanta firm


Recruiters and account managers can work half-time at Matrix Resources, an IT staffing firm in Atlanta. The organization created job-sharing teams several years ago, allowing two employees to share one job so each can work half-time.

Does education translate into higher pay?


A report by the Keystone Research Center in Harrisburg and the Center for Economic Policy and Research in Washington says workers between ages 18 and 29 earn 10% less than people with comparable jobs earned 30 years ago—even though today’s young workers are better educated.

If you hire illegal workers, better pay them


An employee is an employee, regardless of his or her right to be present in the United States and work here. Thus, even illegal immigrants who were hourly employees can sue for back pay if their employers didn’t pay at least minimum wage and overtime.

Sterling Jewelers faces EEOC class-action discrimination suit


Eight women from the Tampa Bay area have joined an EEOC class-action lawsuit against Sterling Jewelers, owner of Jared, Kay Jewelers and Marks & Morgan stores. The lawsuit alleges that Sterling pays women in retail sales positions less than men and denies them promotions …