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Compensation & Benefits

15% of Michigan employers face additional unemployment tax


Plummeting unemployment insurance funds and rising state debt will likely trigger a “solvency tax” on many Michigan employers beginning in January, the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) said.

Pregnancy—an ‘off-duty injury’—prompts Detroit Police suit


Five Detroit police officers have filed a lawsuit challenging a department policy that forces pregnant officers to go on sick leave as soon as their supervisors find out they’re pregnant.

HR cost-cutting moves: Your benchmarks for surviving the meltdown


As the impact of the global economic crisis takes hold, a quarter of U.S. employers expect to make layoffs in the next 12 months. Find out how employers nationwide are hunkering down—and the HR lessons you can apply to your organization. Your goal: Do what needs to be done … without killing productivity.

Is our new worker an employee or independent contractor?


Q. I recently was talking with another manager at the company who told me that we had hired an independent contractor to work in our records room doing filing and data storage tasks. We also have employees performing that job. Could that cause any problems?

Breaking no-alcohol rule may mean no jobless benefits


If you have a zero-tolerance policy for employees drinking alcohol on duty, employees who are fired for breaking the rules may be denied unemployment compensation benefits—even if the employee wasn’t impaired enough to be criminally charged with drunken driving.

Can we fire someone who is costing us a fortune in workers’ comp claims?


Q. We have an employee in our manufacturing facility who has brought numerous workers’ compensation claims. This has cost us a lot of money. Do we have to continue to employ this person? His position involves a continued risk of physical injury.

Get attorney’s help when settling injury cases


Sometimes, employees who are hurt while driving company cars have two separate claims against their employers: one for possible negligence involving the automobile, and another involving workers’ comp benefits for an on-the-job injury. If you decide to settle the negligence claim, have your attorneys review the settlement agreement.

Don’t deduct FMLA leave from hours worked when calculating absenteeism ratio


Just when you thought you had mastered the intricacies of the FMLA, employees and their lawyers have come up with a new trick that could trip you. This one involves how employers calculate attendance under no-fault absenteeism programs.

Do you have specific rules for calling in sick? They may be contractual


Employers sometimes come up with some very specific rules for when and how employees must call in to let their bosses know they will miss work. Sometimes those rules become contracts …

How must employees ask for FMLA leave?


Q. Does an employee have to say that she wants to “take FMLA leave” in order to satisfy the requirement that she notify her employer of her “intent to take leave”? What must an employee tell an employer to preserve her right to take FMLA leave?