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Compensation & Benefits

California firm adds autism to health insurance coverage


After data management company NetApp added coverage for autistic children to its health plan in 2006, 31 of the organization’s 5,000 employees used the benefit the first year. A total of 43 have tapped it so far …

When in doubt, add a stamp


When Medical Mutual Insurance of Ohio learned that 11 computer disks mailed to state retirement groups in Columbus had not arrived, the insurer contacted the U.S. Postal Service. There was reason for concern: The disks contained personal information on 36,000 Ohio retirees …

Manage absences by asking employees why they’re out


Employee absences are costing your business more than twice as much as health care, two recent surveys reveal. Cutting even a fraction of absences can have a potent impact on your organization’s bottom line—an attractive possibility in a tight economy when employers need workers to be as productive as possible.

Employees get a 2-day trip for every five years of service


Employees who hit the five-year mark with Sheetz, the Altoona, Pa.-based convenience store and gas station chain, get an all-expense-paid, two-day summer vacation for two at nearby Seven Springs Mountain Resort.

Construction firm employees help each other in emergency


When a TD Industries employee gets into a financial bind because of an emergency, colleagues pitch in to help out via payroll deductions. The Dallas-based construction firm allows employees to donate paid leave and money on a regular basis or in response to an isolated situation.

Election Day was an attendance nightmare! Must we allow time off to vote?


Q. Because of the long lines on Election Day, some employees missed hours of work. In the future, do I have to permit employees to take time off to vote?

Paperless payroll: Employees are coming around


Once resistant to the money-saving practice of getting paid through direct deposit, employees now say they favor electronic payments over traditional paychecks.

‘Dream survey’ clues Las Vegas firm to employee hopes, needs


Station Casino executives want to know what their employees dream about. A 20-question “dream survey” asks workers at the Las Vegas-based organization questions like, “Do you dream of owning your own house?” and “Do you dream of owning your own computer?” Here’s what their answers led the organization to do.

How frequently must employees be paid? What’s the rule on final paychecks?


Q. How often do I have to pay my employees? Are there any rules that require payment upon termination within a specific time period?

10 ways Generation Y will change the workplace


There’s no doubt Generation Y will fundamentally change corporate America. It’s already started. Managing Gen Y is a hot topic among consultants, HR executives and talent management professionals. For a Gen Y’er like me, this is great news. We’re primed to change the workplace for the better. Here’s how we’ll do it.