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Compensation & Benefits

Employers see first UI tax increase in 25 years


The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth notified more than 40,000 businesses that they will pay higher unemployment insurance taxes in January.

Help managers understand the Age Discrimination in Employment Act


At first glance, the federal ADEA appears rather straightforward: It protects people age 40 and older from employment discrimination based on their age. But the law can affect just about anything managers do, from asking questions in job interviews to assigning job duties …

Don’t let fines, tool costs undercut base wage


Watch out if you ever fine employees, force them to pay others to perform work they can’t finish or make them provide their own equipment. Those expenses may cause them to earn less than the minimum wage.

Lawsuit: Lehman bankruptcy stiffed riffed NYC workers


Miron Berenshteyn, a former computer programmer for Lehman Brothers in Jersey City, has filed a $5 million lawsuit alleging the company violated the federal and New Jersey WARN acts when it laid off more than 100 workers in September.

If you don’t track hours, overtime lawsuit may become nightmare


Many employers make mistakes when it comes to classifying employees—either exempt (salaried) or nonexempt (hourly) from the federal overtime rules. Those mistakes can lead to expensive class-action lawsuits. And if employers failed to track hours worked, it makes it all the more difficult to settle the case.

Justin Timberlake is sued for wage-and-hour violations


A busboy who worked in singer and actor Justin Timberlake’s Manhattan restaurant, Southern Comfort, is suing the star seeking unpaid wages and tips.

Times are changing: HR heads to Vegas to LEAP ahead


It’s predicted that 2009 will bring more changes in federal employment and labor laws than in the entire eight years of the previous administration. To help HR professionals prepare, The HR Specialist is hosting the 5th annual Labor and Employment Law Advanced Practices (LEAP) Symposium March 18-20 in Las Vegas.

Bank of America wields ‘big, fat stick,’ Merrill brokers say


No sooner had Charlotte-based Bank of America acquired Merrill Lynch, it issued a revised broker-retention plan that some called downright scary.

Act quickly to fix safety violations


Employers that take OSHA and state agency safety violations seriously probably won’t face additional legal troubles outside the workers’ compensation system if an employee is later hurt or killed. Ignore those reports, and employees can sue for unlimited damages …

Audit calls for executive oversight of state health plan


An executive body should administer the health insurance plan that covers some 650,000 North Carolina teachers and state employees, not the legislative committee that currently oversees it, says an audit report released by State Auditor Leslie Merritt.