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Compensation & Benefits

IRS issues ‘grab bag’ guidance on Health Savings Accounts


The U.S. Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service recently issued a notice providing additional guidance on Health Savings Accounts. Some of the rules will have an impact on administering these accounts, so HR professionals with benefits administration responsibilities need to be aware of the key highlights.

Employers cut ’09 salary budgets; raises fall below 3%


Remember those surveys last summer forecasting steady 3.6% salary increases for 2009? Forget about it. U.S. workers, on average, are now projected to receive annual merit increases of between 2.3% and 3.0% …

Jobless claims crash unemployment comp system


States—such as North Carolina—that have moved to electronic filing for unemployed workers have learned what can happen when too many people try to use the e-filing systems at the same time.

Workers have false confidence about benefits

How much do your workers really understand about their employee benefits? A new study says U.S. employees truly understand less than they (or you) would think.

How much are you worth in today’s troubled economy?


The global economic crisis that has forced U.S. employers to slash their salary budgets has not spared HR salaries. A new report says HR pros’ base pay and incentive compensation grew more slowly last year. Compensation isn’t expected to rebound in 2009, either. Find out where you stand.

Costs rise as workers skimp on health care


Consumers are hanging on tightly to every penny. One main cost they’re skimping on: their own health care—a move that experts say will lead to sicker Americans and higher health care costs down the road for U.S. employers. Here are three ways your organization can keep workers focused on their health even as they skimp on other expenses.

Class actions exploded in ’08, employers continue to pay the price


Employment law class-action litigation is growing at an explosive rate, and the economic meltdown will probably fuel even more lawsuits in 2009. So says a recent report that also predicts far greater financial exposure for employers that must defend their employment policies in court. Here are the gory details.

OK to transfer worker on FMLA intermittent leave, as long as compensation remains same


The FMLA allows employers to move employees taking intermittent leave to positions that make it easier for the employers. If you do so, just make sure that the temporary position has equivalent pay and benefits. It does not have to have equivalent duties.

Patience key when you think worker won’t return from FMLA


Employers can terminate an employee on FMLA leave if it becomes clear she will not return. But get this one wrong and you may end up in court. A better approach: Wait to do the firing.

Gear up for New Jersey’s new paid family leave law


By now, you have started withholding 0.09% of your employees’ pay, up to a total of $26.01 for the year, for New Jersey’s new Paid Family Leave Insurance program.