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Compensation & Benefits

The HR I.Q. Test: February ’09


Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

Chicago protest becomes symbol of the nation’s woes


Workers who occupied Republic Windows and Doors in Chicago after getting three days’ notice that the plant was closing became a symbol of the nation’s economic trials, drawing support from then-President-elect Barack Obama.

Report shows mixed results for Chicago’s female execs


The Chicago Network’s 2008 census report, Breaking Away, showed mixed progress for women executives in the greater Chicago area.

Motorola cuts executive pay, freezes employee pension


Schaumberg-based Motorola announced in December that it would cut executive pay and freeze pension contributions to control costs. Co-chief executives Greg Brown and Sanjay Jha said they would trim their own base salaries by 25% in 2009.

Unemployment filings overwhelm state systems


Amid the crush of newly jobless Americans seeking benefits, electronic unemployment-filing systems crashed in three states in January—New York, North Carolina and Ohio.

Driving on company business: Who’s liable?


Q. Say an employee driving his own car on company business to make a bank deposit gets into an accident and is slightly injured. Is it his responsibility to go to his own doctor to seek immediate treatment and then to the workers’ comp doctors? And who covers the damage to the car?

Ask attorney for help in structuring joint ventures to limit employer liability


Good news if your company is involved with another firm in a joint venture that includes provisions for sharing labor and workers’ compensation insurance costs: Employees working under the joint-venture agreement can’t sue you for damages relating to injuries covered by the workers’ compensation system.

What’s your duty to accommodate domestic violence victims?


About a dozen states have laws that allow employees to take job-protected leave to deal with domestic violence issues. But take note: Even if your state doesn’t have a specific law, you may need to grant such rights as a matter of “public policy.” A recent court ruling from Washington state shows the legal risks.

Can we set different sick policies for different offices?


Q. We have two offices in two different states. In one office, we have a sick leave policy in place because we have exempt employees, and the FLSA requires us to have the policy if we want to dock exempt employees for sick time after they exhaust their sick days. All employees at the second office are hourly, and they rarely call in sick. Can we have a policy at one location and not at another?

Suspect FMLA leave shenanigans? Follow the law’s certification requirements


Sometimes, employees whose vacation requests are turned down try to get time off by producing a doctor’s note. Some even up the ante by trying to claim FMLA leave. If you really believe an employee is trying to pull a fast one, you have two options if you want to avoid possible FMLA interference charges.