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Compensation & Benefits

OK to have stricter standards for probationary employees


You can learn a lot about an employee during the first few weeks. Missing work then probably means attendance will be a problem later. Having stricter rules during the initial probationary period will help you weed out problem employees.

What should we do? Returning employee wants full-time work, we want part time


Q. When an employee requested a reduced schedule as an accommodation of his medical condition, we agreed. He has now told us that he is able to work full time. However, because of business conditions, we’d prefer to keep him at a reduced schedule. Do we have to reinstate him to his full-time job?

Give benefit of doubt to panicked workers who take sudden FMLA leave


The FMLA grants eligible employees the right to take time off to deal with their own or a covered relative’s serious health condition. What has been unclear until now is what happens when an employee rushes to the emergency room believing a true medical emergency exists, only to find out that the condition was less serious than originally believed.

Don’t change job duties on return from FMLA leave


Employees who take FMLA leave are entitled to return to their former jobs, or at least equivalent ones in terms of pay, responsibilities and the like. Ignoring that requirement and making job changes is the quickest way to an FMLA lawsuit.

Heading to bargaining table? Review contract language before changing benefits


If your organization has a collective-bargaining agreement with a union, make sure you check with counsel before you make any changes to benefits. In some cases, promises made in past contracts—such as a promise to provide retiree health benefits—may be a binding, vested promise that cannot be undone, at least for those who have already qualified.

DOL chases down ‘orphan’ retirement funds


Here’s a trend to watch out for as the economy continues to slow: As companies go out of business, employees sometimes lose access to their retirement funds. It’s not a new problem, but it’s one the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is trying to fix.

Automakers offer early retirement packages


General Motors and Chrysler have offered blue-collar workers at selected plants early retirement packages. The buyouts allow the struggling manufacturers to cut short-term costs, but also reduce future labor costs.

New Ohio minimum wage trumps upcoming fed increase


By now, you have probably adjusted your payroll software and hourly wage information to reflect the new Ohio minimum wage of $7.30 per hour, which took effect Jan. 1.

Is it OK to pay hourly workers comp time instead of overtime?


Q. Is it legal for my company to pay our hourly employees comp time instead of paying time-and-a-half for overtime worked?

Federal minimum wage to top Florida’s $7.21 on July 24


By now, you have probably adjusted your payroll software and hourly wage information to reflect the new Florida minimum wage of $7.21 per hour, which was effective on Jan. 1 …