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Compensation & Benefits

How can we save on payroll but still have employees work their full schedules?


Q. We are having trouble making payroll and have asked our employees to give up pay for 20 hours per month while they work their regular schedules. Can we do this?

OK to factor in truthfulness when disciplining


Sometimes, it isn’t the rule violation that makes a supervisor want to fire an employee, but the way the employee responds when confronted. Some will lie and deny what turns out to be obviously true. Others may ’fess up. You can leniently treat those who do the right thing, while punishing the others.

Latest IRS COBRA guidance has some surprises for employers


Employers now have an answer to their single biggest and most vexing question about the elaborate new federal subsidy arrangement under COBRA, but it may not be the answer they were hoping for or expecting.

New York ranks 46th on business tax index


New York finished better than just four states in the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council’s (SBEC) Business Tax Index for 2009. The SBEC annually assesses the tax climates for business and entrepreneurs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Support exempt decisions with job analysis


If an employee asks to be reclassified from nonexempt to exempt, make sure you carefully look at her position to determine her proper classification. If you have a legitimate reason for your classification decision, chances are she won’t be able to win a claim that you discriminated when you refused to reclassify her as an exempt employee.

Houston, we have a problem: $2.5 million for OT violations


A Houston manufacturing company has paid $1.6 million in back wages to 1,751 employees after a federal investigation revealed the company violated the federal overtime labor law.

Minor adjustments: How to comply with federal teen labor rules


Your risk of running afoul of the child labor laws has increased, and penalties can be harsh. A recent government study found a surprisingly high percentage of teen employees working longer hours than federal law allows, and also in jobs deemed too dangerous by law. Now, federal and state safety investigators are more interested than ever in child labor compliance.

Warn bosses: No negative comments on injuries


There’s a fine line between legitimate concerns that an employee is abusing the workers’ compensation system and punishing the employee who has a legitimate claim. Here’s the best way to handle the problem.

10 ways to stay out of legal trouble while trimming staff


Even as we watch the stock market slowly recover, organizations are still laying off employees and searching for ways to cut overhead. If your organization is eliminating even one job, plan it carefully. A hasty layoff can create legal problems that cost more down the road than keeping the employee would have. Here are 10 things to consider:

Unpaid leave for autoworkers at Honda’s Ohio plants


As the auto sales cluster bomb continues to send shrapnel throughout the industry, Honda is cutting production at its Ohio manufacturing facilities to cope with the damage.