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Compensation & Benefits

From across the pond: British firm pays for ‘Botox leave’


So many employees of Fox Kalomaski were taking leave for “beauty treatments” that the London-based advertising agency added an extra paid day off—and execs there call it “Botox leave.” The day off happens in December, says the managing director, who speculates employees need time to “make sure they’re looking their best for the Christmas party photos.”

Uncle Sam assumes Delphi’s pension obligations


In a complicated settlement, the Pension Guaranty Benefit Corporation (PGBC) has assumed the pension obligations of auto parts manufacturer Delphi Corp., formerly owned by General Motors. Delphi, which recently closed plants in Ohio and other states, has been in bankruptcy the past four years. However, it has continued to make pension contributions.

Beware long suspensions, even with pay! They could be adverse employment actions


Traditionally, a temporary suspension with full pay hasn’t been deemed an adverse employment action, mainly because courts want to give employers time to determine what an appropriate disciplinary action might be. But if the employer extends that suspension or turns it into a transfer to a no-duties position, courts may take that into consideration.

Any problem firing employee who wants her exempt classification changed?


Q. We have an employee whom we have classified as exempt, but wants to be classified as nonexempt and earn overtime. Frankly, she’s become a pain about the whole thing. Can we just fire her?

New moms can bring baby to work at Pittsburgh firm


New moms who work for Maya Design in Pittsburgh don’t have to worry about child care for their hard-to-place infants, at least for six months after they give birth. They can tote the tots to work. The consulting firm and technology research lab welcomes infants through its Babies in the Workplace program.

Don’t think a successful workers’ comp case lets you off the ADA accommodation hook


Employees who are disabled after an injury on the job often apply for workers’ compensation. Receiving those benefits, however, isn’t a bar to asserting ADA and state disability claims, as a federal court hearing a New York case recently concluded.

Dust off your benefits policies: More mandates may be on the way


The federal government has slowly been introducing laws that force employers across the country to provide employee benefits: for example, the FMLA, USERRA and the ADA. Now Congress is considering several legislative initiatives that would require employers to provide additional benefits.

Study shows employers cutting 401(k) matches


According to a survey by accounting firm Grant Thornton, 29% of companies have reduced or intend to otherwise modify their contributions to employees’ 401(k) accounts. Of those employers, two-thirds have eliminated matching contributions altogether.

NYC car washers clean up with $4.7 million in OT settlements


The parent corporation of several New York City area car washes has agreed to settle overtime claims from 1,187 current and former employees for $3.4 million. Coupled with a previous settlement with 200 workers for more than $1.3 million, Lage Management has paid out more than $4.7 million in back pay and liquidated damages.

Hiring independent contractor? Be prepared to document that he’s not an employee


A recent federal court decision means you’ll now have to go the extra mile to prove that your worker is an independent contractor, not an employee. Advice: Take steps to document exactly why you believe someone is an independent contractor when you begin using his or her services.