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Compensation & Benefits

Is a health insurance opt-out bonus taxable?


Q. We give employees who opt out of our health plan a bonus. Do we withhold federal taxes on that bonus?

Rebound? Compensation up, but health costs remain high


A new Watson Wyatt survey says 44% of employers plan to reverse pay cuts made during the recession. That’s up from 30% in June. Also, about one-third of employers plan to unfreeze salaries, up from 17%.

COBRA enrollments doubled since start of subsidy


This summer, 38% of terminated employees bought into their former organization’s COBRA health insurance coverage plan. That’s double the 19% enrollment rate recorded during the end of 2008, according to a new Hewitt Associates report.

Follow CDC’s employer guidance for flu season


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published new guidelines to help employers prepare for the flu season, which is expected to include rapid spread of the H1N1 influenza (swine flu). The CDC encourages employers to take these steps:

Must we reassign disabled worker to a new job?


Q. We have an employee who just developed a disability that will keep him from performing his job for an unknown time. After he uses up his FMLA and other accumulated leave, do we have an obligation to look for another position for him?

Study: 401(k) matches a victim of recession


On top of the declining value of their investments, many employees also saw their employers’ 401(k) matching contributions disappear during the recession. A Grant Thornton survey found that 29% of companies reduced or intend to modify their contributions to employees’ 401(k) accounts.

FLSA lawsuit cocktail: Hourly staff mixing work, lunch


When is your most diligent worker also your biggest lawsuit risk? Answer: When that nonexempt employee works through his or her lunch break or during other off-the-clock hours—a fact nobody realizes (or turns a blind eye to) until he or she sues for unpaid overtime.

Can person be employee and independent contractor?


Q. One of our full-time hourly employees has started a cleaning business on the side. We pay her a set amount for cleaning the offices on the weekend. Since this is an entirely different position, can we pay her as a 1099 independent contractor for the cleaning work if she’s also a full-time employee?

How to avoid the salary negotiation trap


It sometimes takes extra money to entice an applicant to jump ship. That’s all part of the hiring dance. But there’s a hidden peril that could land you in court—and cost you thousands. Learn the best practices that will help you defend yourself.

Preparing your workplace for a possible swine flu pandemic


The United States is facing a swine flu outbreak that has caused the government to declare a public health emergency. Recently, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published new guidelines to help employers prepare for flu season and prevent the rapid spread of the H1N1 influenza. Here are the CDC’s suggestions, plus insight on your risks and obligations as an employer …