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Compensation & Benefits

Bonuses bounce back, but bar is set higher


The days of organizations handing out bonuses like Halloween candy seem to be over. While employers have returned to awarding bonuses in 2010, they’re attaching more strings than ever and are more likely to look at “hard” financial performance metrics when making variable pay decisions.

Airline employees compete for awards in ‘Customer Cup’ contest


One way for American Airlines employees to get the bosses’ attention is to compete for it. The airline created its “Customer Cup” contest to spur competition among employee teams at different airports in an effort to improve processes and products and upgrade customer service, said Mark Mitchell, managing director of customer experience.

After a brief FMLA leave, can we request a second opinion to make sure the worker is ready to return?

Q. We have an employee returning from FMLA leave. His physician has issued a fitness-for-duty certificate. However, we have doubts about the worker’s ability to perform his job because he wasn’t off work very long … Can we send him to another physician for a second fitness-for-duty examination?

Pay raises averaging 2.5% this year; projected at 3.0% in 2011

When it comes to pay raises, performance counts more than ever. In 2010, raises for low performers are averaging 0.7%, while high performers are pulling in 3.7% raises, says a new WorldatWork survey.

Taking FMLA leave may rule out performance bonus

Under the right circumstances, employers that pay discretionary bonuses based on actual performance don’t have to make the extra payments to employees on FMLA leave. Thus, a discretionary bonus based on performance during each quarter may not have to be paid if the employee didn’t work.

‘Gradual Return’ program lets moms come back on their own schedule


New parents don’t have to rush back to work at Verizon if they sign up for the telecommunications giant’s “Gradual Return to Work” program after childbirth or an adoption. Instead, they return to work on a reduced work schedule and maintain full coverage for their health and other benefits.

COBRA subsidies expiring: DOL offers guidance

The federal government has answers for terminated workers who are concerned that their COBRA continuation health insurance coverage may soon get more expensive or expire all together. As federal subsidies for COBRA coverage start running out, be ready with information when your former employees call.

Early perks, paid volunteer time among benefits for new hires

New hires at Cydcor don’t have to wait long for their benefits to kick in: Team members are eligible the month following their hire dates. Beginning in their first year, each employee receives 15 days of sick and vacation time. The organization also allows each employee to use eight paid workdays a year to volunteer off site.

3 former female execs sue Goldman Sachs

Only on Wall Street can you make $800,000 a year and claim that you’re underpaid. But three women who used to earn big bucks at Goldman Sachs are suing because they could have earned even more if they were men.

Confusing paystubs? Brace for a class-action lawsuit

Employees may not always understand their paystubs, especially when they work for different pay rates some of the time or when deductions are taken without clear explanations. The confusion may even prompt employees to band together and sue.