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Compensation & Benefits

How should we tally overtime pay when employees earn different amounts at different times?

Q. We have employees who work on-call and often accrue overtime hours. They receive a different amount of pay for on-call work than regularly scheduled work time. How do we calculate their regular rate of pay for overtime purposes?

Fired for no doctor’s note means no unemployment

Employees terminated for refusing to abide by reasonable work rules aren’t eligible for unemployment compensation. But what constitutes a reasonable rule depends on the circumstances.

When setting pay and bonus plans, take both federal and Minnesota laws into account


A recent state Supreme Court decision highlights one of the unique problems facing employers: While a pay practice may be valid under state law, it may be illegal under federal law. To ensure they’re in full compliance, employers must be prepared to change their pay practices to conform with the most restrictive law.

GINA’s effect on wellness programs

To help you better understand your obligations under the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), we’ve assembled these resources:

Give employees heads-up on new flex spending rules


The new health care reform law resulted in some changes in the way health care Flexible Spending Accounts will work—and employees need to act on some of those changes right away! Help employees make the most of current FSA benefits and plan future health spending by letting them know about the following changes.

Does new health law require us to cover dependents?

Q. We offer health insurance coverage only for individual employees. We’ve never provided family coverage for anyone, nor do we make it available at the employee’s cost. An employee with a daughter in grad school says the new health care law requires that she be allowed to add her daughter to the plan because she is younger than 26. Is this true?

Employee can be AWOL even if he phones in


Many public employees assume rules against being absent without leave protect them from termination as long as they call in. But the Ohio Civil Service Act makes it clear: “[U]nexcused failure to appear for duty as scheduled” may be considered job abandonment if it lasts for 10 days. Calling in doesn’t matter.

It takes just a handful of workers to make a class action

It’s every employer’s nightmare: A disgruntled former employee files a lawsuit alleging you didn’t pay overtime. Then he asks to turn it into a class action, representing other employees. Now a claim worth a few hundred dollars has turned into a major lawsuit.

Tax employees walk for charity

More than 400 employees who work for Dallas-based tax services firm Ryan walked a collective 183,535,657 steps and raised $9,000 for charity over the summer. Employees tracked their steps with pedometers during the challenge, which execs say combine the organization’s twin goals of employee wellness and community outreach.

Review duties, update job descriptions yearly to ensure employees are properly classified


As job duties change, evolve or grow, make sure you regularly review employee responsibilities, update job descriptions to reflect the reality on the ground and determine if the job is properly classified as exempt or nonexempt. Don’t rely on an analysis that’s even a couple of years old—or even an analysis provided by the DOL itself.