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Compensation & Benefits

Pay for travel time to voluntary OT shift?

If an hourly employee has to travel from one location to another to continue their principal activities during the workday, then that’s paid time. Commuting time, however, is unpaid. But what if an employee completes a full shift at one location and voluntarily takes on an overtime shift at a different location?

DOL cracks down on employers that break teen work schedule rules

The Department of Labor ended 2022 and began 2023 with a series of enforcement actions against employers that violated the rules governing how and when teenage employees can work.

Spending bill promotes mental-health parity

Tucked into the mammoth omnibus government spending bill President Biden signed into law on Dec. 29 was a provision that expands the number of public employees whose health insurance plans must now cover mental-health services on a par with coverage offered for other conditions.

DOL to propose new OT threshold by May

Millions more white-collar employees could become newly eligible for overtime pay later this year. The Department of Labor has confirmed plans to update the overtime salary threshold by May.

Five items Payroll needs to address this year

We wish we had a crystal ball, but we don’t. Nevertheless, 2023 is looking like another challenging year for Payroll. Here are five items we see coming this year.

SECURE Act 2.0: So nice Congress did it twice

The last act of the 117th Congress was to pass the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023. Tucked not-so-deep into the CAA is the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022—90+ provisions focused on 401(k) and other retirement plans. SECURE 2.0 builds on what we can now call SECURE 1.0, which was enacted in 2019.

Catch people doing good and reward them for it

Read any leadership book or attend any leadership seminar and you will often hear that employer recognition does not happen often enough. It’s a fact that best-selling leadership author Paul Falcone wholeheartedly agrees with. And recognizing employees’ efforts publicly—and often—is key.

Respect for Marriage Act passes; employers, take note

The Respect for Marriage Act passed into law with bipartisan support in December and protects marriage for LGBTQ+ and interracial couples. The act ensures that a marriage that is legal in one state is recognized by all. Take this opportunity to review your benefits offerings to ensure they align with federal, state and local laws.

How to spot and prevent burnout

Everyone has a limit. When walking into work (or taking the few steps to the home office) becomes a challenge, your employees are probably on track to experience burnout. The ability to spot and—more importantly—prevent burnout can save great workers from absences or the pursuit of greener pastures.

Sleep is overrated: Zillow expands parental leave

Parental leave is among the benefits that interest working women most, according to a 2022 summer survey by the insurance broker Breeze.