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Compensation & Benefits

Supreme Court authorizes overtime for highly paid supervisor

In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court on Feb. 22 ruled that Michael Hewitt, an oil rig supervisor who regularly earned more than $200,000 per year, is entitled to overtime pay.

Struggling to attract enough applicants? Consider adding child-care benefits to portfolio

Employers can support employees’ child-care needs in several ways.

4 steps toward more flexible time-off benefits

Work flexibility and time off are more important to employees than ever before. Many employers made changes on the fly to their time-off programs during the pandemic. Now is a good time to take stock of your programs and policies and look for opportunities to improve competitiveness and ensure compliance. Here are four things employers can do to add flexibility to their time-off policies right now.

Survey: 88% of employers to change health and well-being vendors

To address a broad range of their employees’ needs, most U.S. employers are making changes to their vendors that provide health-care and well-being benefits, according to a new survey by the Willis Towers Watson consulting firm.

Florida man: DOL sets sights on Sunshine State employers

Feb. 16 was a bad day for Florida employers that recently ran afoul of the Department of Labor. On just that one day, the DOL announced fines and recoveries worth almost $400,000.

SHRM calls for national paid leave system

The Society for Human Resource Management has released what it calls a framework for a national paid leave system that “has the potential to increase access to compensated leave for workers and achieve continuity with benefits offered by employers in different states and jurisdictions.”

4 steps to motivate employees to start saving for retirement

Benefits professionals struggle constantly to convince employees they need to start saving for retirement. Snap them back to reality by helping them figure out exactly how much they need to sock away to pay for their needs once they stop working. Walk employees through this savings calculation the next time you talk up your 401(k) or 403(b) plan.

One-third lack any retirement savings whatsoever

New research confirms long-held concerns about the nation’s retirement readiness: Fully 32% of working-age Americans—about 58 million—have no retirement savings at all.

Never mind a recession: CFOs say they’re budgeting for higher payrolls

Almost all chief financial officers surveyed by the Gartner business advisory firm say their organizations plan to spend more on employee compensation this year. A full 86% said they plan to raise their compensation spending by at least 3% year-over-year.

Administration floats alternative to opting out of ACA birth control mandate

The Biden administration wants to roll back a Trump-era rule that allows some employers to opt out of an Affordable Care Act requirement that says employer-provided health insurance must cover contraceptives at no charge to employees.