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Compensation & Benefits

Snapshot: It’s not too late for holiday gifts

Many companies try to recognize employees with something extra this time of year. What “extras”? Cash tops the list.

New York state will bar retaliation against workers who take legally protected time off

The law appears to focus on “points-based” attendance, in which employers impose points, or demerits, on employees for absences, often without regard for the reason for the absence—including medical reasons, which can be protected under the FMLA and other laws.

Court calls working beyond pay grade intolerable

Generally, workers must be turned down for a job, demoted or fired before they can sue their employers and allege discrimination as the reason. But as with many things in life, there’s an exception—the concept of constructive discharge holds that if an employer makes the employee’s work life “intolerable,” that justifies quitting. The worker can then sue despite not having been fired.

Viral tripledemic means missed work

Influenza hospitalizations increased 30% Thanksgiving week, taking up over 11,000 beds. It’s expected to get worse, says Health and Human Services. COVID-19 cases are again climbing, albeit modestly. Respiratory syncytial virus infects many infants and young children. All signs lead to a winter tripledemic of illness and missed work.

Bill would ban caregiver discrimination

The Protecting Family Caregivers from Discrimination Act would prohibit employers from firing, demoting, mistreating, refusing to hire or taking other adverse employment action against workers who are caregivers for their loved ones.

On health insurance, voters trust employers over others

Voters surveyed by the American Benefits Council had good news for employers.

401(k) plan news you can use

Two new regulatory projects from the Department of Labor—a set of proposed and final regulations—may impact your 401(k) plan administration.

New year, new laws: Update your compliance!

States have new laws about human trafficking reporting, hair discrimination, family leave, wage transparency, artificial intelligence and surveillance.

Overtime for highly paid worker: overmuch?

An employee paid $200,000 is suing for overtime, and the case is pending before the Supreme Court. Employment lawyers are watching this case carefully.

Time is now for overtime pay scrutiny

Some commentators predict that the DOL might only raise the minimum wage. Others think the delay might mean the wage will rise with inflation. But while we wait, lawsuits and pay transparency trends are not off the clock.