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Compensation & Benefits

Keep the FLSA at Bay During the Holidays

The time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is a busy time for many companies. Questions regarding overtime, holiday pay and seasonal hires often arise. You don’t have to play Scrooge this holiday season, if you know the rules as written in the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Cost-sharing skyrockets as health premiums rise

Employers are asking employees to shoulder a far greater share of the burden as health insurance premiums continue to rise, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. After several years of relatively modest increases, annual premiums for employer-sponsored family health coverage rose to $15,073 this year, up 9% from last year.

How to prevent costly FLSA mistakes with holiday pay & scheduling


The time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is a busy time for many HR departments. Questions regarding overtime, holiday pay and seasonal hires often arise. As long as you know the FLSA rules on holiday pay and holiday scheduling, you’ll skate through the season in good cheer.

With Christmas 2011 and New Year’s Day 2012 falling on Sundays, how will you handle employee time off?

Most of us will have two paid days off this holiday season.

When salaries differ within job classification, be prepared to offer data explaining why

Smart employers document all the reasons for every rate of pay, in case someone later alleges some form of discrimination. That way, they’re prepared to justify exactly why one worker earns more or less than another similarly situated colleague.

Regs Require Uniform Summary of Health Benefits & Coverage

Beginning March 23, 2012, all group health plans—including grandfathered plans, self-insured plans and plans not covered by ERISA—must provide employees and beneficiaries with a simple explanation of their benefits and a uniform glossary covering basic health insurance and medical terms.

Atlanta employer to open child care center for 120

Newell Rubbermaid has broken ground on a two-story, 17,000-square-foot child care center that will accommodate 120 children of full-time employees by early next year. The company has partnered with Bright Horizons Family Solutions to manage and staff the center.

Are we allowed to round off hours worked?

Q, My company tracks the hours of nonexempt em­­ployees using a time clock. In determining their wages, can we round up or down to the nearest five-minute increment?

Trade legislation impacts FUTA, new-hire reporting

To offset the cost of three new free-trade agreements, the Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension Act of 2011 requires states to beef up their unemployment and new-hire reporting laws. Both provisions will affect your payroll operations.

Health benefit affordability safe harbor leans on payroll


Under the Affordable Care Act health care reform law, employers will pay a penalty if just one employee enrolls in coverage through the individual exchange and receives a premium tax credit and his or her contribution isn’t affordable because it exceeds 9.5% of his or her household income. Problem: You usually don’t know employees’ household income. To remedy this, the IRS is proposing an employer affordability safe harbor.