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Compensation & Benefits

EBSA says employer took liberties with retirement funds


The U.S. District Court for West­ern Pennsylvania has ordered Kevin T. Weir, chief executive officer of Liberty-Pittsburgh Inc., to repay $67,138 to his employee’s 401(k) plan. The settlement resulted from an in­vestigation by the U.S. Depart­ment of Labor’s EBSA.

Contesting unemployment? Prove misconduct was willful

Employees fired for willful misconduct aren’t eligible for unemployment compensation. If you terminate someone for breaking a workplace rule, be prepared to prove that the employee knew about the rule and understood it.

Part-time after childbirth? Careful how you figure pay

Here’s an unexpected factor to consider when an employee requests part-time work following childbearing leave: How you set her pay rate may create Equal Pay Act problems.

Employee eligible for unemployment comp if he quits because hours have dried up


Employees generally aren’t eligible for unemployment compensation if they leave their jobs voluntarily. On the other hand, employees are eligible if they leave for “compelling and necessitous” reasons. One of those reasons may be a drastic reduction in available work.

What do you think? Should the Supreme Court affirm or overturn the Affordable Care Act health-care reform law?

The 2010 health reform law is about as popular with HR pros as it is with the public.

Don’t let the FLSA’s pay rules snow you under this winter

Winter isn’t a challenging season just because of the lousy weather. It’s tough on payroll staff, who must ensure that the company’s pay policies jibe with the Fair Labor Standards Act when employees leave early, arrive late or just stay home because of snow. Here are the rules for nonexempts and exempts.

10 tips toward a recognition program that drives performance

Almost 90% of businesses use rewards and incentives to spur sales, improve retention and employee loyalty, and raise productivity during an era of slim pay raises and uncertain bonuses. If you’re starting or updating a rewards, incentive or recognition program, consider these 10 tips.

What are the rules on setting a late policy?

Q. We would like to institute a rule subjecting em­­ployees to discipline for clocking in late. Are we permitted to do this even though we round our employees’ time to the nearest quarter-hour?

Update from Sacramento: 4 new California laws will affect HR

Gov. Jerry Brown recently signed bills enacting several new em­­ployment statutes. Each becomes effective Jan. 1, 2012. Here’s how the new laws affect private employers.

$17 million at stake: Are real estate agents nonexempt?

The California Labor Commissioner is suing ZipRealty Inc., claiming the company owes unpaid wages to hundreds of real estate agents. The lawsuit is seeking minimum wages in excess of $7.5 million, overtime compensation in the amount of $1.25 million—plus damages and ­penalties of over $9 million.