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Compensation & Benefits

Picnic payroll problems … more bothersome than ants

Forget the overdone hamburgers and warm soda. Payroll problems can arise even around the most hallowed of institutions, the annual company picnic.

Sabbatical allows charity row from Miami to New York


When qedis employee Lewis Colam wanted three months off to row a boat from Miami to New York to raise money for Alzheimer’s research, the company not only pitched in as a sponsor but gave him a sabbatical for the trip. Executives at the London-based management and technology consulting firm say they try to support their employees’ dreams.

How should we manage unused vacation?


Q. Several of our employees have compiled a lot of vacation time. Is there any way we can manage how much vacation leave time our employees accrue?

What are the rules for unpaid internships?


Q. Our company has received a number of résumés from college students interested in working as unpaid interns for us during the summer months. Would hiring such unpaid internships violate federal or state laws?

California federal court rules: Government agency must insure employee’s same-sex spouse

In a case that’s already being appealed, a federal district court has ruled that a federal agency must enroll an employee’s same-sex spouse in the employee’s health care plan.

Paying nonexempt employees a salary? Be sure to get agreement on hourly rate

Determining the amount of overtime pay depends on employees’ hourly rate of pay for the first 40 hours. That can sometimes be more complicated than it sounds, especially for employers that pay their hourly employees a set amount for their entire workweek, including overtime.

DOL goes nuts on Sunnyvale’s Crazy Buffet

A federal judge has ordered Sunnyvale-based Crazy Buffet to pay its workers $404,000 in damages following a U.S. Department of Labor investigation. The Chinese-food buffet restaurant had a policy of not paying wages to workers, although it allowed them to keep their tips.

You don’t have to police meal-break work


After years of employer uncertainty, the California Supreme Court has finally resolved what em­­ployers must do to provide meal and rest breaks. They must make sure employees are relieved of all duties during the breaks. However, they do not have to ensure that no work is performed during breaks.

Greater penalties for unequal pay these days?

Q. Has the penalty for employer violations of the Illinois Equal Pay Act recently increased?

What are the rules for requesting FMLA leave?

Q. Does an employee who wants to take FMLA leave have to specifically ask for it by name?