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Compensation & Benefits

Health savings accounts growing again

After a recession-induced lull, health savings accounts (HSAs) regained popularity in 2011, and now total $12.4 billion in assets, spread over 8.4 million accounts.

How does the state’s civil union law affect employer-provided health benefits?

Q. How does the Illinois Religious Freedom Pro­­tec­­tion and Civil Union Act affect health benefits?

After Wal-Mart, Illinois court & 7th Circuit uphold class certification

Class-action litigation returned to the spotlight with last year’s Supreme Court decision in Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes. In Wal-Mart v. Dukes, the Supreme Court refused to certify what would have been the largest-ever employment class action against a private employer. Now the 7th Circuit has weighed in.

Small amount at stake in employee suit? Know when it’s best to consider settling


Sometimes, it’s better to settle than to fight. If a case is pretty clear and the potential liability small, it makes sense to pony up the settlement money. Otherwise, a court may punish bullheadedness with a large award for attorneys’ fees.

How to make ‘no unauthorized OT’ policy work

The first step to controlling overtime costs is to establish a sound policy forbidding unauthorized extra work for hourly employees. But a “no unauthorized overtime” policy is just the beginning. It’s what you do after implementing the policy that counts.

LGBT employees get help with taxes on benefits


Ernst & Young on Jan. 1 began reimbursing its lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees for the additional federal and state taxes they pay on same-sex domestic partners’ medical benefits. The New York-based accounting giant is the first Big Four firm to offer the tax offset.

Long- and short-term incentives growing fast in private firms

Most private companies in the U.S. now offer long-term incentives (61%) in addition to short-term incentives (95%), according to a new study on pay practices by the nonprofit organization WorldatWork and Vivient Consulting.

Is there a grace period for paying overtime?

Q. We couldn’t obtain the amount of overtime one of our employees worked in time to include payment for those hours in the current payroll period. We understand that untimely payment of wages could expose our company to penalties. May we issue a paycheck to the employee for his regular hours worked and include his overtime payment in the following pay period?

Considering denying insurance benefits? Always seek expert legal advice first

It used to be that before an em­­ployee or former employee could get into federal court with a ­benefits-denial case, he had to show that he was a “plan participant.” But following a recent 9th Circuit decision, merely claiming to have been a plan participant is enough.

Court shows the door to tax-protesting employee

A federal appeals court has ruled that an employee-tax protester can’t sue his employer and individual employees for withholding taxes. The court also rejected the employee’s Title VII claim that he was unlawfully terminated for complaining about the withholding.