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Compensation & Benefits

Special analysis: What to do with electronic records


Nowadays, IRS auditors ask for your electronic accounting records. But software files often contain data beyond the audit years, and software programs routinely create metadata for every data file created. So how do you keep the IRS from snooping around the personal and confidential business informations contained in those files?

August 2012: Employer’s business tax calendar

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Play ball! But limit your liability at summer social events

Say your marketing director breaks his leg during an after-hours employee softball game against a crosstown company. Who’s responsible? You might be surprised.

4 questions to ask about supplemental insurance


Supplemental health insurance plans can build good will among employees, make your benefits package more competitive and enhance HR’s image. To make sure you secure the best coverage at the best prices, ask insurance brokers about the following topics.

Might we be covered by Minnesota’s OT rules?

Q. We are a small employer and only have operations in Minnesota. I recently learned that Minnesota does not require overtime pay until after an employee has worked 48 hours in a workweek. Do we have to pay overtime after 40 hours or can we have employees work an extra eight hours before they are entitled to overtime?

Unused leave takes a bite out of municipal budgets

It’s a benefit designed to retain long-term employees, but the practice of allowing retiring government ­workers to cash out unused leave may turn in­­to an actuarial time bomb. The prob­­lem: Local governments are shedding employees at a record pace, often through early-retirement packages. And the leave liability is largely unfunded.

How independent contractor can qualify for unemployment

Have you thought about converting employees into independent contractors to save money? Then make sure you tell them they won’t be eligible for unemployment compensation. If you don’t, they may be eligible.

Sex-change spouse covered by health insurance

Does your health insurance or other benefit plan specifically state that it covers those who are married under Minnesota law? Then your policy terms probably apply in some unique circumstances—including when an employee is married to someone who has undergone gender reassignment surgery.

Plan ahead now for W-2 health care reporting

By the end of June, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to let us know whether some or all of the Affordable Care Act health care reform law will stand—or be struck down. The highly anticipated decision notwithstanding, it’s a good idea to get your W-2 reporting ducks in a row now.

TIGTA: Employers not taking the health care credit

Few eligible small employers are claiming the health care tax credit, despite the IRS’ numerous public relations efforts, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Among the reasons given for the low take-up rate: It took too long and it was too hard to claim the credit.