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Compensation & Benefits

Throw a bucket of ice water on summer payroll problems

As you gear up for employees’ summer vacation requests, remember that the FLSA has a lot to say about working hours, calculating overtime when employees take a day off during the week, and uniform policies. Here’s help navigating these choppy waters.

Barbeque chain extends benefits to franchisees

Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants is giving its 200 franchise owners, their families and their employees access to group purchasing power for medical benefits, dental coverage and legal and financial services.

After accident in company car, can we recover insurance deductible using payroll deductions?


Q. We have a fleet of company cars. If an employee is at fault in an accident, is it legal for us to require reimbursement for the $500 deductible by reducing his pay over a period of three or four pay cycles?

Pittsburgh YMCA execs allege gender-, race-based pay bias


Four female executives with the Pittsburgh-area YMCA are suing the nonprofit, claiming they are paid less than their male counterparts and in some cases, even less than their subordinates. The four all say the pay inequities are due to gender, and one contends race bias is a factor.

May is direct deposit month

To encourage employees to sign up for checkless paydays, the federal government declared May direct deposit month. As government declarations go, it’s been a success—most employees do have their pay deposited directly into their bank accounts. Most isn’t all, however.

Picnic payroll problems … more bothersome than ants

Forget the overdone hamburgers and warm soda. Payroll problems can arise even around the most hallowed of institutions, the annual company picnic.

Sabbatical allows charity row from Miami to New York


When qedis employee Lewis Colam wanted three months off to row a boat from Miami to New York to raise money for Alzheimer’s research, the company not only pitched in as a sponsor but gave him a sabbatical for the trip. Executives at the London-based management and technology consulting firm say they try to support their employees’ dreams.

How should we manage unused vacation?


Q. Several of our employees have compiled a lot of vacation time. Is there any way we can manage how much vacation leave time our employees accrue?

What are the rules for unpaid internships?


Q. Our company has received a number of résumés from college students interested in working as unpaid interns for us during the summer months. Would hiring such unpaid internships violate federal or state laws?

California federal court rules: Government agency must insure employee’s same-sex spouse

In a case that’s already being appealed, a federal district court has ruled that a federal agency must enroll an employee’s same-sex spouse in the employee’s health care plan.