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Compensation & Benefits

Women earn $24K less

Women earn an average of $44,400 annually, compared to $68,300 for men, according to a study by CareerBuilder and Economic Modeling Specialists.

Uncle Sam’s 2014 budget: Will it cap retirement savings?

Recent FY2014 budget proposals by President Obama include a major change for retirement savers: A new $3 million limit would apply to assets in qualified retirement plans such as 401(k)plans, as well as defined-benefit pensions and IRAs.

ACA regs keep rolling along

Full implementation of the Affordable Care Act health care reform law is mere months away, which means that the IRS and the Department of Health and Human Services have a lot of work to do in a short period of time. The latest regulations cover the 90-day waiting period for new employees and temporary reinsurance fees.

Special analysis: How to tax and deduct bonuses

The IRS has confirmed that how you withhold income taxes from supplemental pay, such as bonuses—by using a flat withholding method or aggregating the supplemental pay with other wages—is entirely up to you; employees can’t specify a withholding method.

Uncle Sam wants you! … to properly handle summer military duty

Employees in the National Guard and Reserve usually serve their two weeks during the summer, but others may be away longer. Here’s what Payroll needs to know to properly handle summer military duty.

San Jose minimum wage increases to $10 per hour

The San Jose Minimum Wage Ordinance, which took effect on March 11, raised the minimum wage for “covered employees” to $10 per hour. A “covered em­­ployee” is anyone who works two or more hours per week within the city limits.

State document requirements for employing teens

State law controls the age at which teens must obtain age certificates, working papers or parental consent letters and how long you must retain those documents. To help you get a handle on this crucial paperwork requirement, here’s a chart summarizing the state laws.

Set up summer hires for their first paychecks

When summer rolls around, Payroll often takes on a parental role, initiating summer hires into adulthood as they pay taxes for the first time. Make sure your processes are in order so that the summer hiring process runs smoothly.

Shareholders back CEO pay

Despite popular ire over excessive CEO pay, shareholders remain blasé about the topic, at least according to a preliminary analysis of proxy votes compiled by the Skadden Arps law firm.

Keep your cool and vanquish your tough summer pay problems

It’s summertime soon, and the Payroll living is anything but easy. Every employee wants off at the same time (not gonna happen!). Unpaid interns flood the office … Here’s what you need to know to keep Payroll running smoothly this summer.