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Compensation & Benefits



HR Law 101: USERRA requires employers to re-employ persons returning from duty in the uniformed services if they meet five cirtieria. Employers must provide to service members a notice of their rights, benefits and obligations …

30 employers band together in surgical benefits consortium

A group of more than 30 employers—including Boeing, Chevron, GE, Target and Wells Fargo—have formed the national Employers Cen­­ter of Excellence Network to negotiate lower prices so they can offer hip and knee replacement surgeries at no cost to employees.

Is there anything special about issuing early W-2s?

Question: An employee who was let go last month requested an early 2013 W-2. I know we have 30 days to comply with his request. What notation should we put on the form to show that it’s not an “official form”?

Memo to the Payroll Santa: Please make W-2s easy this year

Holiday catalogs have been piling up on your entry hall table for quite some time now. So it must be getting down to W-2 crunch time for Payroll. Here’s the scoop on what you need to know to ensure a smooth W-2 process.

In the wake of the recession, where wages grew the most

Washington, D.C., and Seattle top the list of metropolitan areas experiencing the highest annual wage growth since the recession ended. (The national average was $2,330.)

Strike down the hidden tyranny of pay for performance

Rewarding your company’s star employees with the heftiest pay raises might not be enough to keep them from looking to jump ship if you expect them to take up the slack of associates who do the bare minimum.

You: Payroll’s elf on a shelf

Since you don’t have an elf to take care of all the December year-end payroll details, you have to do it yourself. Here’s help getting started.

New Calif. wage-and-hour legislation increases employer obligations

California employers must begin complying with several new wage-and-hour laws enacted in recent weeks. Recent legislation provides overtime pay for domestic workers, mandates more pay for missed “cool-down” breaks, increases damages for minimum wage violations and adds other employer obligations.

Ignore an overtime lawsuit, hand a win to workers

Can’t convince management that they shouldn’t ignore an overtime lawsuit? Share this horror story.

Fix leave errors before they become expensive mistakes

Make sure employees receive the leave they’re entitled to under Cali­­for­­nia’s Fair Employment and Hous­­ing Act (FEHA). If a supervisor terminates an employee under the mistaken belief she’s at-will and can be fired for poor attendance—when she’s really eligible for medical leave—fix the mistake immediately.